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Why Don't Most Thais See The Big Picture?


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Hi KS,


>>>>The fact that the girl is young doesn't change anything in the fact that she does not see beyond tomorrow. She is living in a fantasy world hoping she will strike it rich someday (as do many Thais, many of them are convinced that one day they *will* win the lottery). Reality though is that for 99% of them that is not ever gonna happen.<<<


Actually, the fact she is young, is totally pertainant. And you have to relaiase that mindset. It's the whole reasoning behind my arguement here. Does a 18 year old girl understand the scene, same as a 30 year old in the business for 15 years?


I think not.



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Hi KS,


>>>>Change like this has to start with an attitude change in people as well as by the government actually enforcing these laws, not by saying 'well, something needs to be done about it'.<<<<


I understand what you are saying, KS


But still understand many Khon Thai are fustrated. You can't paint them all with the same brush. But I know you, and know you do not, KS, and don't mean to say that here.


But it must be said, that there is a certain amount of fustration. Not here, but in general.








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I have met a lot of bargirls who have just simply said to me that all they want is someone to take care of them...Thai girls don't have the same aspirations as western women ie big house, luxury car,overseas holidays...they are simple girls with simple expectations and if you can take care of them,and their family,then they are happy....but of couse there are plenty of gold diggers and simple minded women who can't recognise a good deal when it is presented.

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but sometimes they do drive me crazy.



ahaha, indeed. but maybe the answer lies in the fact we don't drive them crazy. I mean, yes, their sense of "now" can be very different from us. And succintly, "now" defines their life, somehow, more than yesterday or tomorrow. we farangs plan, think ahead, think why, think of, etc... Totally different, but we don't drive them crazy, so maybe we have to accept how they live their lives, even if reckless, not judge them, and know this is not the way we wish to conduct our own.


the kid on the bike. basically, he is not dying NOW, he is just riding with Pop and Mom. neither is the dude with a plastic helmet. If they die, well however sad it is, and even saying "we shouda"....their time was due, the emotions will be wrapped up in an undisputed sense of fatalism (their fate).


Thai food, well, i am sure she made it his problem that they could not find thai food. Her problem was only that she could not have thai food NOW. And the NOW of tomorrow too. She'd have no idea why she should open herself to other foods. he took her there, not her.


the BG: she likes him, but she don't love him. Man, she made an individual decision, INDIVIDUAL! and you say that's because she is thai. that may be the instance where you should have applauded her for acting on her own. I think it's you here tring to box her in what she should do, what she should accept.


PS: BTW, I called and called, last winter, when in LOS, over a period of 3 months, as you asked me....

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While I haven't read the answers here is my take on the third point:


What do you guys have in mind ?? Thinking that giving 20K a month to a girl and an aircon room is so fantastic she should go for it?? What the about the feeling she really has for the guy? And for her friends outside with whom she prolly has more fun?? Ask about any working western girl to move in full time with a guy she hardly enjoy beeing with in exchange of a doubling of her income and she will most likely find a less polite way to tell you "dream on", which very much makes sense.


It's a bit like about the thai food part, perhaps it doesn't make sense to you but those girls might prefer staying in stinky appartment with their peers than in a stranger's house who prolly will claims various rights on her.



About your second point, there's something irritating with thais about their lack of openess to the outside world. When U see the name of the leading party , the national anthem song at school and the text in their adds (how many times you hear "kon thai" or "deck thai" when in Europe we wouldn't specify the nationality) that's not much surprise. they seem strongly conditionned to believe they're on the finest place on earth in the finest state of mind.


Seems to be very efficient as long as it's not outsiders they expect to convince...

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I just don't see it the way you with Thais being appalled at anything (wars, violence, accidents/deaths, pollution, traffic, etc.


They have this uncanny, unemotional, unattached attitude to this problem or that problem. Maybe it's their religion!


They don't seem to get passionate about anything negative or a problem to change. They seem just the opposite and prefer to take "the head in the sand" approach to problems...


You think thais tackle problems; they run away from them..


In one way, i tend to admire thais in how they seem so far removed from issues whether on their doorstep or overseas.


They might recognize issues though they seem to do little to bring about any change to them. Should i start with traffic or street dogs or pollution or litter or prostitution or work management systems or.... Usually any efforts really are just cosmetic or almost out of tradition...


They are very good to accepting and adjusting to problems but do little to correct them through sometimes painful or necessary behavioral change..


The "Mai pben rai" attitude is really detrimental to serious, major problems that calls for intervention in both thinking and behavior.


Thais seem to always take the easy road even though greater problems will be caused by their inaction for change. Whether they recognize unattended problems will manifest into bigger problems, i just don't know.


That is why i find thais are incredible about describing and remembering the smallest details of one particular tree in the forest, but seem clueless about the condition of the overall forest and how it fits into the bigger environment....It drives me crazy....



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[color:"blue"]1: Thais and motorbike helmets.

Ok, compared to a few years ago, most Thais riding on the front of the bike wear a motorbike helmet - even in the country towns where it used to be virtually non-practice.

Now, my idea of a wearing a motorbike helmet is to protect my head in case of an accident. Most Thai helmets are useless - you'd be better of with an upside-down ice cream container with a rubber band attached. If you crash you're more likely to end up with a sharp piece of plastic embedded in your skull rather than have your head protected. It seems to me that Thais wear motorbike helmets not to protect themselves in case of an accident, but so they don't get fined.



I used to laugh when I saw a man stopped 20 meters from the check point to put his helmet on, no straps though. It is called "freedom" of choice Flyp.


Since Hubby and I are retired we do motorcycle (in the USA). In this State, helmets are required but many other states, they are not. Actually, an organized motocycle club is trying to get the WV state to revoke the helmets law. Hubby and I came to a point that we take care of ourselves, that is gloves, leather jackets, helmets, boots when we ride, that is all.


On the BG truning down your friend for 10,000 Baht per month. It is the pshyc of a woman, BG or not. It is the freedom of being on her own (of course this IMO), a better chance to find better targets. Why would a woman who can have sex with 3-4 men a night and go home without answering to a man lock herself in with a man who offered her the same money? If I were her, I would not, simply one main reason, do not want to depend on this man who may dump her any time, she could be better off working harder (grant it having sex with anyone) and save up faster. :) Yes many have to leave the industry without anything, but the pride that they tried is there. And also, keep in mind that many of these women loved the attention of MANY men. :D As a couple ex told me "Oh it feels so good to have a man panting after you!". Oh well, IMO, panting after me is not welcome however, who am I to judge? ::


My knowledge about prostitutes comes mainly from this board and talking to several exBGs so I can be off the target here. You men think that women appreciate the time off from our jobs, NO, not all the times and when you think you offer a better deal, NOT all the cases.


Another point, have you ever thought that the women are enjoying what they are doing? Haviing sex with several men turns on a lot women, you know that don't you?



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"- point 3: Bar Girl With Good Offer


I totally disagree with the "tone""


same same here, i feel there's a fourth point to be had on the lack of self criticism ability from the OP

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[color:"blue"] Thai girls don't have the same aspirations as western women ie big house, luxury car,overseas holidays... [/color]


I am sorry to say that I disagree with you. However, ones can beleive anything these women say, don't you know that they are taught to say those things?


There is a fact that not many people understand, some women do enjoy having sex with muliple partners, and having been paid for that action too, for some women, it is heaven.



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