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Why Don't Most Thais See The Big Picture?


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I agree with what you say. The only point I will add (since I am on the wrong side of 40) is youth. Most of these BGs are in their late teens or early 20s. How many of us saw the big picture at that age?


I believe most of us here are educated. We all at least have the ability to earn enough to travel to or live in Thailand. I will bet dollars to donuts that few, if any, BGs come even close to having the average level of education as the members of this board. Most of us come from cultures that encourage creativity and free thinking; at least more so than Thai culture. And even with all of those advantages, I am sure all of us here (particularly older members) can easily compile a long list of stupid mistakes we made when were the age of these girls. (I can compile such a list of the things I did yesterday.)


Making matters worse, BGs make several times more than what a "good" girl who does everythig "right", goes to a "top" Thai university and gets a good job would make. And they don't have to get up at 7 am to go to work in a "boring" office every week day and perform work in a rather strait laced environment. Instead, they can drink and party to their hearts content - fairly attractive options when I was 19.


Are they acting rationally? When presented with the option described at the beginning of this thread - perhaps not. Are they making the right choices or, to put it more accurately, are they making the choices I, an educated man on the other side of 40, think they should make. Absolutely not. Am I surprised by the way they act - not in the least.

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your response was more to the tune of either I am a troll or I am ripping off the girls because I'm not shoving money at them.


Wrong! mistaken identity. never said anything like that. Not my style, I had quite a lot of freebies in the P4P! ::



you seem to try to take it to the extreme


Actually, i am confused, because i think we were on the same wavelength, namely that the girls are also people, and it is quite possible to associate with them, outside of a sex deal.



you will see that my fantasy statement was regarding that in which =>some<= girls could find a guy they would fall in love for =>without<= significant money being involved.


sorry, but if you say fantasy world, it is more than a specific dream, it's.. a world.

And again, a good looking girl will easily see her worth soon, and by the time this one had a tryst with FlyP's friend, she was aware of it. Bottom line, not middle lane.

As for refusing the advance and why, you put thoughts in her mind. May be true, or may not. Now, that's middle lane, no? :)

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pattaya127 said:

sorry, but if you say fantasy world, it is more than a specific dream, it's.. a world.

And again, a good looking girl will easily see her worth soon, and by the time this one had a tryst with FlyP's friend, she was aware of it. Bottom line, not middle lane.

As for refusing the advance and why, you put thoughts in her mind. May be true, or may not. Now, that's middle lane, no? :)


First of all look who the quote about a "fantasy world" came from. My line about a fantasy was about short time (like taking a vacation from working.. some people dream of say living in hawaii, and often go there to relax on their holidays), which I can only assume you were refering since you directly called me out, and my line came from my other post in a different thread since that is the only one where I mentioned a fantasy IIRC.

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There is a fact that not many people understand, some women do enjoy having sex with muliple partners, and having been paid for that action too, for some women, it is heaven.


I am quite sure you are right here.


To add my 2 cents here (from my extensive knowledge of how women think!)............


Western fellas tend to get brought up to think that when it comes to being intimate and sex, that for a women it automatically means more than it can do for fellas. It took me many years to realise that this was not always the case.


IME Women are just as capable of "meaningless sex" as blokes, although for a bloke the reason is usually quite simple - the pleasure from the "mechanics" of the act ::, whereas for a woman this can be only one of the reasons (if at all :o), quite often IMHO a woman can use "meaningless sex" also as some sort of (albeit temporary) way of obtaining reassurance and to enjoy the feeling of being in control amd wanted / desired (even if this all involves a degree of mental gymnastics / self dellusion). IMHO many BG's would fit here.


Also IME many woman (all?!!) are quite capable of "meaningless sex" because.............. it does not actually mean anything and is not such a big deal - it's only a cock going into a pussy for 5 minutes or so after all - and are quite happy to engage if their is "something" to be gained from the act from their partner, either emotionally or financially (even if a "Good" Girl would REFUSE to ever acknowledge the latter!).

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often IMHO a woman can use "meaningless sex" also as some sort of (albeit temporary) way of obtaining reassurance and to enjoy the feeling of being in control amd wanted / desired (even if this all involves a degree of mental gymnastics / self dellusion). IMHO many BG's would fit here.

Not disagreeing with what you say (indeed, I agree), but I was struck by this description of what drives some BGs because I think it also applies to plenty of guys that visit Thailand. It is not just the mechanical act (that is what hands are for), but the feeling of being wanted, particularly when the girl is 19 and stunningly attractive and the guy is not so handsome and on the wrong side of 40. Its a shared fantasy.
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because I think it also applies to plenty of guys that visit Thailand


I won't disagree with you here.


In fact recently I had a "discussion" with a couple of women at work along these lines. Although I have never been one to hide my trips to the LOS I did not give them all MY details - as I would like another contract from this place next year!.


I did however not hide the fact that most of my time was spent in the "nightlife", (I blamed it on the drinking - not entirely untrue ::)


One of things that did get mentioned was along the lines of "sad emotionally f#cked up men middle-aged going through a "mid-life crisis" who were unable to form relationships with "normal" women and went off to Thailand looking for women over which they could have control".


My response was along the lines of....


Firstly that any bloke looking for a woman over which they could have control quickly realised that Thailand was in fact the wrong country to be in, despite appearances to the contrary. They might be Thai, but they are still women :)


Secondly that perhaps it was not so much that they were unable as unwilling to form relationships with "normal" women (I left unsaid any comparisons between the average baggy arsed, saggy titted 40 odd year old Farang woman against a younger Thai woman)


Thirdly I pointed out that whilst being an emotionally f#cked up middle-aged man going through a "mid-life crisis" was not a requirement for going to Thailand, it equally did not mean that those men who did NOT go to Thailand were not in the same position - indeed if you don't get to middle age without some mental / emotional scars, IMHO you've been very lucky or led a dull life :D. I think I also mentioned that one of the most "disturbing" things about the guys in the Thai Nightlife is how "normal" and well adjusted they are - they could easily be their Doctor, bank Manager or boss - because they probably are.


And finally I said they usually looked quite happy :D :D :D

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but the feeling of being wanted, particularly when the girl is 19 and stunningly attractive


being less attractive too. A girl who gets less customer is bound to want to be good to her male company (does not have to be good sex, BTW), and bound to appreciate he not only chose her, but quite many times, he liked her. When you compare to where they come from, they would hardly get that kind of attention from older AND affluent men. On top, most farangs act quite nicely with them.

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1. motorbike helmets


15km from town 90% of thais on motorbikes DON'T cover their brains. 2km before they hit town they manage to put them on their heads without interupting their progress. Yes, to avoid being fined.


When I was 16 and drove my motorbike I never saw a helmet, at 20 I had no idea why I ever needed to wear one, so it's defintely an education question.


2. closed mindeness.

Dunno about this one, but I regularly coock spagetthi bolognaise and mashed potatos with carrots/peas and other farang food and the gf is happy to share my meal and get some variety in her food besides the tons of som tam she ingurgitates.


I do know a few farangs living here who refuse to eat one grain of rice though and who find that the thais are the biggest assholes on this planet and in the rest of the universe as well. Do they have an open mind???


3. BG good offer.

One day I offered an Issaan BG to accompany me down this Chumpon shithole, that was 45 months ago and she is still hanging around my bed, dreaming of a car, a house, lots of gold, a small shop and one million baht for the time when I will be burned to ashes.


I know of 20 others who accepted slightly better offers.


The way they drive their motorbikes drives me crazy though...(wrong side of the road, hitting a main road without checking car or trucks coming...I am affraid one day I wil hit and kill one)

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