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correct price


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cotambear123 said:

any suggestions please on a thai phrase to use if someone is trying to charge me a ripoff farang price.


Like `nice try mate, now tell me the correct price`?

Despite the entertaining answers, I highly doubt that any phrase will work. You MUST negotiate if you with to get close to a locals price. In tourist areas, a rule of thumb that I use is that I counter at ~30% of the asking price and work it from there. Always have a price in your head that is your limit and stick to it. The key to successful negotiation is being willing to lose the deal to make it...that is, walk away if they will not meet your "perceived value" price. Nine times out of 10 they will chase you down the street and accept your price (if your price is actually near to the correct one and not stupidly low).


Oh, and most important! Negotiations are not a competition, but are supposed to be fun. Act that way with the Thais and you will reap the rewards.


And if you are devious and shopping for something more pricey than a trinket, be the first customer at their shop for the best deal. Chinese (and most Thais) believe that their first customer is a harbinger of how their day will go. If you buy, then it will be a good day. If you do not, then :(. so they will lower the price to the minimum to make the deal. In LoS, you will also see them rub the money from the first sale over the stock to give the product "incentive" to sell (i.e., good luck).




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