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I completely agree with you. It's what holds this board back. OP bears his soul and comes with a heartbreaking story, and before long the board cynics/internet police come along and yell 'troll'. I don't know if it is some kind of superiority complex (look how I deducted from all the facts that OP is a liar) or if these people are just plain rude. I remember the thread in the RT section where OP told about his GF's suicide, and people came in to question his story. Would you do that in real life? Hell no! I just can just see the conversation play out in real life:


You told me your GF worked in Asoke Plaza, but it was torn down before you met her, so I don't believe a fucking word you said. I am sure you just made it all up! Your GF didn't die right? You're just an attention whore!


nobody would do that in real life, but hey, this is the internet.

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Attention whore? :) Nice one!


Agreed though, different rules here or so it seems.


The Bullshit-o-meter seems oversensitive to some in this cyberworld, especially sad when such stories contain the ingredients for a tragedy that fills enough people's lives or is in itself a realistic scenario, thus IMO a worthy discussion.

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I do agree with all said, but...I have noticed some guys will post something under a new board name, as if ashamed to admit something happened to them. I find this in bad form. I think we should all be open and honest about our experiences, why hide behind one name or another, what is the dififference? Most of us will never meet.


I have been very honest about some problems I've had, and 1-2 guys really had a field day with me...so what...consider the source and go on...though it does get tiring...I think a lot of the guys have the same problems, I also think we are all guilty of getting our shots in at times...

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Can't say I agree with you, OH. Though I have never used another board name, I can imagine that if there were something really personal I needed to air out and I didn't really want to be the center of attention the following Friday at Gullivers, I'd consider posting anonamosly.


Something like "OLDE HYPIE"

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especially sad when such stories contain the ingredients for a tragedy that fills enough people's lives or is in itself a realistic scenario, thus IMO a worthy discussion.
Agree wholeheartedly. I think the story about a farang apparantly getting knocked off by his BG girlfriend, and more fundamentally violence against farangs, is certainly worthy of discussion. It's very close to home for anyone who lives or visits here.


But when it is discussed, some members turn absolutely apoplectic. A discussion about violence against farangs deteriorates into complaints about whining posters (a discussion about a murdered farang - perhaps someone very much like many of us - is whining?) or pretty transparent suggestions that the farang must "had it coming". Even worse, some use a farang?s tragic end in a cold blooded murder as a stage to prove they are oh so much more street savvy than everyone else on this board. Why?


I am trying to call posters on this when they do it; that is, describe what they really are doing. I am not sure if this is the best tactic to get the discussion back on track, but I cannot think of better way to keep discussions on this sort of hot button topic on topic.

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