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America has now killed more Iraqis than Saddam did


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The number of Iraqis killed since the Americans began inciting violence in Iraq has now reached 600,000.



thanx for liberating iraq! thanx for bringing peace to iraq!



600,000 people and everyone has a story! I remember how i felt when my grandmother died. We read numbers like that but what it really means the most of us don't understand! Wouldn't it just be fair to kill GWBs dog to remind him just a little bit how it feels when someone dies? How is that impeachment thing going?



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You must remember, these are 600,000 godless Iraqui muslim. As these people do not believe in a oproper god, the way GWB does, then we must realize, god (a Christian fundamentaliast) did not and would not protect them. Simple as that...WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL NOW!!!!

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