Central Scrutinizer Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 OH, Yeah, I love it. What cracks me up is he 'hates' Starbucks! WTF? It's a freakin' coffee shop. So don't buy your coffee there! It's like these guys that bemoan the presence of Mickey D's everywhere. Well, dipstick, if the people were not buying the burgers and making it profittable for McD's to expand to where ever they do there would not be a McD's on your corner in the neighborhood. Obviously your neighbors and friends are 'supporting' these places with their custom! They don't open up by sprouting like a mushroom overnight. There has to be a market before they even consider spending the money to open shop. Obviously there are enough people who do use Starbucks, because they have opened many shops in Bangkok and elsewhere. Maybe Fidel should 'hate' the customers who support these places? And to be honest, I don't even like Starbucks coffee and don't patronize the place. But it seems many do. I do like the occasional filet of fish sandwich though! Cent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thalenoi Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 "To sum up, F**K America" I can imagine the uproar if the Yanks on here were saying the same, "Fuck Ireland" "Fuck England" "Fuck Australia" "Fuck France" "Fuck Germany" "Fuck Italy" etc. T Cent Uh, didn't you Americans stop eating French cheese and wine when the hypocrite Jacques Chirac expressed his disagreement with his pal Georgy when he went to war against Sadam. Please remember all of Europe (That excludes England?) was against this war, even small Belgium protested. But no, Almighty America knows it better and knows democracy is good for all. As others said, we are not against American people, only your idiotic dangerous crazy leaders. Now if you watch Sopranos, all the fuck this and fuck that, is that normal american talk? I am affraid so, the average John's basic three words? I spent enough time working in the USA to have respect for most people there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Hippie Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 I more less took his post this way as well. But I would like to hear how we Amwericans can actually do anything about this mess? Bottom line is, most Americans don't/won't vote. Last elect(s) were proof in my book that the powers that be decide what is to be...short of another revolutionj, what is the answer? I for one an active in a few movements to have the gang in charge removed, but I am in the minority...the rest of the world suffers from the actions of this corrupt government, yet also does nothing. Where is the international call? Most people are just apathetic/scared and will do nothing. As for the American people continuosly electing assholes...well, we didn't elect this guy, either time, Clinton, most of the world liked, GB I no, Reagan...No, maybe the first time around a few countries liked him, not sure...Carter? Nixon? (doubtful)...O.k. so as I said where is the international outcry? There is/was a movement to have Nixon and Kissinger tried for war crimes, a group was suing Reagan of Iran hostagegate...but why nothing now? We need help, and it is in the rest of the worlfd's interest to assistist, rather than just saying "It is your fault, we hate you..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Hippie Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 "...Look man, you obviously read much and you are obviously american which I get from your easy made conclusions..." There are some who might resent that remark, sort of insular to many...bad way to make a point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Hippie Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 "...Please remember all of Europe (That excludes England?) was against this war, even small Belgium protested. But no, Almighty America knows it better and knows democracy is good for all. As others said, we are not against American people, only your idiotic dangerous crazy leaders..." And here in is my point, WHY isn't the rest of the world doing all it can to stop this maniac? UN, International courts, war crimes etc...for fuck sake do something besides complain. As for the rest of Europe being against the war, so are/were many Americans, and some of GWB's advisors! The asshole is out of control, but no one, domestic or foreign steps up to try and stop him. Next time he, Cheny, Rumsfeld, etc go abroad, arrest his ass! But no, easier to complain... I realize the problem is not with people, just the government, but as I have said, the people here can only do so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nervous_Dog Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 <> GOOD - keep that up and maybe someone will listen and vote him or his successors out. <> Last time I looked the people voted for the government, therefor the people are the problem! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Hippie Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 Cent, Exactly, people bitch about these places (as I do) ruining the landscape of foreign countries...but isn't it up to those people in those countries to stop it? Yes, it is. But it is much easier to just bitch that American business is taking over...compleately ignoring the fact that someone on their side had to let them in...samesame Euro Disney...all the uproar...yet, if no one goes, the place will close down...can't just be Americans keeping it open now can it? Gets a bit much after awhile... Yes, I have a big bug up my ass with the way my country operates abroad...but I also get a little sick and tired of other constant bitching and griping... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Old Hippie Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 "...<> Last time I looked the people voted for the government, therefor the people are the problem!..." Dog, I am in the camp that honestly believe GWB stole both elections. There have been many reports of wide spread votor fraud, rigged machines etc...I have written letts to many congressional members/groups calling for an investigation, yet nothing is done... As has been said "...as goes America, so goes the world..." well, then the rest of the world stands to lose right? I mean the fallout from this regime is far reaching, thus it is in all the world's interest to put the brakes on this asshole right? I cannot be the only one in the world who thinks GWB and Co. are guilty of war crimes can I? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Central Scrutinizer Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 Dog, "Fidel's hatred is something I understand," What? His hatred of Starbucks? I thought you went there yourself? "Americans keep voting for people that do these things that lead to aweful situatuions," And many Americans DON'T. It is a democracy (or representative republic if you will), and those that didn't want this man in power and this government must be 'responsible' for this? Should we riot in the streets because we lost and they won? Or maybe better yet, a coup? What would you have us do? "rather than take it as just another American bashing, why not take it as fair critism and on the chin." I'm always willing to take it on the chin, when it IS fair criticism. The government sucks. Fuck the government. But America does not suck and neither do we need to get 'fucked'. There is a reason Fidel likes most Yanks he meets in the Kok. Firstly, Yanks abroad are a different breed usually. Secondly most Americans are decent sorts that don't push their political views on others, nor their religious views (except those friggin' missionary twats ). We have a twat in the White House, but that doesn't mean we are all twats as well, nor our kids, parents, friends, and family back in the USA. But really Dog, these rants get old after a while, and I see no reason for it here, on the board. We are a multi-national group here. A little respect, please. "I am profoundly ashamed of my government, and refused a reward from them because of my disdain. I continually try to educate people of the shameful actions the Aussie government is doing and the way Australia has sadly changed." Yes, and that is good and right and your right to do so. I agree ... "Fuck Australia!" I know what you're saying, but bash away at Bush and his people. He's the problem. Hopefully next election the Repubs will lose. Although how much you wanna bet ole Jeb runs next? Dynasty, 'eh? [A side note, have you ever read 'Down Under' by Bill Bryson? Excellent. I learned a lot about Australia reading this funny bastard's book. Remind me to bring it down to Bangkok when I come down. I think you'd really enjoy this book (also has his book 'A Walk in the Woods- a double book I got from someone). You'll like this, and I think your Mum will as well.] "Rather than simply reply to a America Bashing, why not try to see why people all around the world have similar thoughts?" Fuck's sake, Dog. You think I'm blind, deaf, dumb, and out of touch with the world? I know why! It's different though when someone expresses their opinions in certain ways, and not just in constant rants that add nothing to the discussion or to anything for that matter. It's the same old crap each time. Some should give it a rest and go get a beer and get laid. I'm off soon to go eat and drink with Pinhead. Maybe we can come up with a plan to save the world over a Grolsch and a chicken dinner. Cent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cavanami Posted October 12, 2006 Report Share Posted October 12, 2006 <> GOOD - keep that up and maybe someone will listen and vote him or his successors out. <> Last time I looked the people voted for the government, therefor the people are the problem! The US President is officially elected via "electoral votes" not "popular (people) votes". Electoral Votes So the people can say NO but can and often are overriden by the electoral votes. Just another layer of complications to try to get the "right" thing done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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