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Parts of Suvarnabhumi maybe closed down


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On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being comparable to having the roof of the concourse fall down (like at DeGaulle airport in Paris), how would most NP member rate Suvarnabhumi airport? I'd rate it a 7, having flown into and out of it 4 times. Too far to walk to your plane and too far (and very confusing with the tauts waiting as you walk out of baggage claim area)to walk to the proper taxi or bus area.

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My first idea in september was: how are they going to change the lamps when they burn out. I thought they have a smart system for that apperently they haven't, lol!


They will never switch to Don Muang, like the guy said, it will be a total chaos and a loss of face.


to dean

Arriving in last month and travelling back in december was smooth as silk! The month before it was terrible!


I have privileged rights according to my ticket, I don't even have to check in myself and have an escort to the loungues, the bars in the departure are are stylish, I like the airport because it doesn't remind me of one. What us silly and stupid is the arrival area, they have wasted so much space inside and when you walk through the customs gate you get squeezed by all the people waiting and especially by those who want to drag you into their limosines, the last time I have experienced such a small arrival area was on a domestic airport in south america!


For arriving it gets a 6 (even when I enjoy driving in a golf car to the immigrations)

For dpearting it gets definately a 10, I can't be serviced better!


In total that would make 8/10





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The new airport is nice, but I have to agree, it is not user friendly. More like a Shoping mall that just happens to handle airtravel as well. The gates were poorly marked, and I imagine it will be or could be very crowded and difficult to manuever in with carry on bags, once all the shops are open. BTW, I think the departure tax is going up to something like 800bht soon.

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The new airport is nice, but I have to agree, it is not user friendly. More like a Shoping mall that just happens to handle airtravel as well. The gates were poorly marked, and I imagine it will be or could be very crowded and difficult to manuever in with carry on bags, once all the shops are open. BTW, I think the departure tax is going up to something like 800bht soon.


Make that a shopping mall where average Joe's can't buy anything. Unless, of course, your tastes and budget are geared toward Armani, Bulgari, Hermes, and the like. But gawd forbid they would have a shop selling coffee!


Back to the article, it must REALLY be bad for them to consider shutting down portions of the airport, and moving some ops to DM. Perhaps this is a precursor to all of the budget carriers moving permanently back to DM

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Wow! What a mess!!!! Altho' hardly surprising, but really embarassing i would think for Thailands image...?


First, the fiasco with the BOT's prohibitive tax on incoming foreign capital, partially reversed within about a day. Even though virtually every analyst in the private sector said it was a boneheaded decision ("cannot get any more incomptent than this") and even though other government officials complained (the head of the stock exchange wasn't even consulted), the Gov of the BOT still stubbornly insists it was the right decision.


Next, the scandal involving Thai government officials ripping off funds that foreign governments and charities provided for Tsunami relief. Talk about stealing candy from the mouth of a baby. Incredibly venal corruption. No one is saying this explicitly, but foreign govermnets and charities have such a low level of trust the Thai government that they don't trust it to investigate this properly. They want an international accounting firm to do the job.


And now, talking of closing the new airport altogether or at least parts of it. I am sure there were corruption with the contractors. They had no choice; it was common knowledge that any one involved in the new airport had to pay officials or their relatives (say, sisters) to get a contract.


Yes, I'd say an image is being formed - or rather reinforced - with investors and anyone else who bothers to read anything about Thailand these days.

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I also like the new airport, but I am also realistic. And let's be realistic: the news isn't exactly positive.


OK, we all know there is a group here who go off if you criticize any policy or rule here. I am not sure why they have this problem, but they do have a problem, and to them, I say, yes, everything is absolutely perfect in Thailand, and we should never ever criticize any policy or rule in Thailand, no matter how ridiculous. Everything here is 100% perfect. Really ;)

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[Here's the list of contractors, most companies are farang of course, including the ones for design and planning./quote]


Hmm...lots of money flowing back and forth.


Seriously, I hear and read all sorts of complaints about the new airport, but I personally haven't had any bad experiences with it (knock on wood). But if they really have to close it down because there are serious and dangerous problems with the new airport, and it is not going to make Thailand look good, particularly after, among other things, the Bank of Thailand's little stunt last week. Simply stating the obvious.

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