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Washington initiative would require married couples to have kids


6 February 2007

Associated Press



OLYMPIA, Wash. - An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.


Initiative 957 was filed by the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. That group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington's ban on same-sex marriage.


Under the initiative, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment.


All other marriages would be defined as "unrecognized" and people in those marriages would be ineligible to receive any marriage benefits.


â??For many years, social conservatives have claimed that marriage exists solely for the purpose of procreation. The time has come for these conservatives to be dosed with their own medicine," said WA-DOMA organizer Gregory Gadow in a printed statement. â??If same-sex couples should be barred from marriage because they can not have children together, it follows that all couples who cannot or will not have children together should equally be barred from marriage."


Supporters must gather more than 224,000 valid signatures by July 6 to put the initiative on the November ballot.


Opponents say the measure is another attack on traditional marriage, but supporters say the move is needed to have a discussion on the high court ruling.


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Unbelievable. Well, no it is not. The inmates are running the asylum in America.





I'll defend this action. Look at it. The bible thumpers are saying marrage is just for procreation, married people get all sorts of crap us single people don't get. I frankly am sick of it. It is society/government shoving there morals down my throat.


Now, Gays pay taxes, and have contributed much to society. They serve their country in war time, and peace time, work, and just want the same rights as others to be married and lose 1/2 their stuff in a bitter divorce.


Hence, if the Bible thumpers can quote a fantasy book (which the bible is) as the rule to deny gays rights, then gays have a right to hold them to their word, and demand it be set right, or the rights of heteros be denied as well. If marrage is indeed only for procration as the BTs claim, then they have a valid point.


I would go 1 step further however. I would say hetero couples who want to get married should prove they have reasonable IQs and an ability to be a decent parent, and have sufficient financial means to support the kid(s) without benifit of tax breaks. Couples with insufficient means or low IQS/history of birth defects should be denied this right, as they would possible be bringing ib more burdons to tax payers.


In a free society, we either all have the same rights or no one is free!


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The whole concept of marriage has changed in the last fifty years. When I was a kid and hot for my first wife I couldn't wait to get married, I thought it was one of the most important rites of manhood.

Now I live in sinful bliss and marriage only crossed my mind when it looked like it would make getting a visa easier.

To be honest I can't think why the gays are bothered, commitment to another person is something between each other, a religious or civil ritual means very little to a lot of people these days.

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"...To be honest I can't think why the gays are bothered, commitment to another person is something between each other, a religious or civil ritual means very little to a lot of people these days..."



Essentially, they want the leagal rights and protections it brings...like estates, health care decisions, communal property and all that crap...Example, my cousin and his BF have been together for 30+ years, yet if something happens to one of them, the other's family can really fuck with them, and make all the decisions...sort of sucks for them...but they are I think the exception, not the rule.

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