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Bears May Be Added To Hunting Season


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BILLINGS, Mont. - Nearly extinct last century, grizzly bears are back in a big way in the northern Rockies â?? rising in numbers, pushing into new territories and mauling hunters who stumble across them in the wild.


While state and federal officials laud the bear's comeback, others say it's time to lift the remaining protections that helped them recover. They point to recent grizzly encounters as evidence.


"We've got grizzly bears eating people who come here to hunt," said Vic Workman, Montana's fish, wildlife and parks commissioner, who fended off a grizzly during a Nov. 25 hunting trip near Whitefish. "It's getting out of whack. We've got too many bears."


The grizzly charged after Workman stumbled upon it as it guarded a fresh deer carcass. Workman fired a shot from his rifle and was not injured. The bear ran off.


If hunters could kill some bears, Workman said, the rest of the population would learn to avoid humans.

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We had a city slicker come up to the back woods where I abode.


He hired a hunting guide with dogs.


He got his bear. But is this really hunting?


Having dogs chase a bear up a tree. Come one now. Even I couldn't miss with a bear up a tree. With dogs barking.





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WTF? Are these guys pansies who shirked their military service? They bravely want to go out and kill something defenceless, but piss their pants because the wildlife decides to fight back. Maybe they prefer to "hunt" the way Dick Cheney does - with tame animals that don't even know enough to run from people.


Come to think of it, why not a hunting season on politicians? The US is way overdue for a cull of those useless parasites.



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WTF? Are these guys pansies who shirked their military service? They bravely want to go out and kill something defenceless, but piss their pants because the wildlife decides to fight back. Maybe they prefer to "hunt" the way Dick Cheney does - with tame animals that don't even know enough to run from people.


Come to think of it, why not a hunting season on politicians? The US is way overdue for a cull of those useless parasites.



They say weak men fantasize about doing violent things, si I think you have it spot on.


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