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Alergic to Eggs .........


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Not me.


I do know someone who claims to be allergic to eggs. But I think it's all in his mind.


Is there a home test available to test for allergies to eggs?


I'd like to obtain a home test if there is one and call his bluff.


Or is this strictly a visit to a lab?

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It is potentially a real allergy. Why do you doubt your friend? Does s/he claim physical symptoms? You'd either have to do a lab test or see what happens when your friend actually eats eggs/egg products.


As a child, I was allergic to eggs. Eating eggs resulted in hives and itching. The allergy went away as I entered teen years.

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I have known this person since youth. He was a finaky eater with his parents. Like many young kids. He would manipulate his parents that certain foods made him sick. Like vegetables.


He never has hives and such. He claims when he does get sick in LOS that somehow the food he ordered had eggs in it. He always asks for food with no eggs.


He has a tendancy to imbide vast amounts of scotch. He did admit once on one trip that he drank too much scotch the night before and he stated he got "alcohol poisoning" - his words.


He gets sick at least once on every trip. He watches the food he eats and never eats anything that remotely has eggs in it. Yet he still gets sick at times. The drinking of scotch begins around noon and doesn't end until bars close.


I think it is the vast amounts of alcohol that he drinks that makes him sick. Or the water used in the drinks. Not anything to do with eggs.


I'd like to call his bluff. If there was a home test.


Even if there was a home test, and the results came back negative, I know he would state that the test was defective. And even if he had a lab test, and the results came back negative, I think he would blame the lab for not doing test correctly.


It's a petty thing, granted. I do wish I could call his bluff though.


He's an old friend and we have travelled to LOS many a time.


I am just sick and tired of every time we sit for any meal in any restaurant in LOS, he always asks: "Is there any Cai/Kai (or whatever the spelling is for eggs) in this food." And of course, the waitress has no clue what he is saying as his sentence is in English with one Thai word. Yes, people have suggested that he put everything in Thai on a piece of paper. He won't. It's always the same conversation at every eating establishment. "Is there any Kai in this food". And all/most of the wait staff don't have a clue what he is talking about. Then we have to get someone who speakes better English/Thai to translate. It's a whole procedure, just getting a meal. I have gone thru this so many times.


A negative results from any test would not stop his asking every waitress, but, at least, I would have the satifaction of stating that he was full of . . . .



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....Eating eggs resulted in hives and itching....

Bees? :confused:


As always, response is short and directly to the point. Much appreciated.


But, alas, this post is not about bees. Or honey, or killer bees, or bee hives.


Bees, are indeed, our friends. Without bees, I know for a fact, that I would not be pollinated!


And I could use a nice pollination right now!

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"MyAllergyTest is first ever home allergy test that can determine if you have allergies to 10 of most common allergens: timothy grass, bermuda grass, mtn cedar, ragweed, mold, egg white, milk, wheat, cat, dust mites"



Yes, this looks good. Thanks.


But I can tell what the person in question will state. Either the test is wrong or that he is allergic to the egg yoke - not the egg white.


But this is a good start. Thanks.


I did do a Google searh awhile back. Not recently, though.


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