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U know yr daughter's been in the States too long...


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...when you get a phone call in the middle of the night (0430 Oz time) saying "Daddy, Daddy, what's our lawyer's phone number? I want to sue someone!"


"Ugh, huh...whoa, slow down a bit honey. Wha' happened? Don't you know it's o-dark-thirty..."




It turns out that she was in a pretty serious car wreck New Year's Eve (early evening). Of course, this was secondary information, only available upon request and interrogation ( :doah: kids!). It seems she was driving her Isuzu SUV on one of the main roads in Las Vegas and a carload of young guys (no idea if drunk or not; she doesn't drink) failed to stop at a small side street intersection and plowed right into her truck. Luckily the passenger side. They put their bumper halfway thru the passenger seat and rolled the truck on it's side. Again, luckily the passenger side! :shocked: But she was belted in, and while she spent the better part of the night in the hospital, she's pretty much OK. Only bumps, bruises, a couple of cuts and lower back pain such that it hurts somewhat when she walks. Our doc friend is *slightly* concerned about that, but said not to panic yet -- wait for more x-rays and maybe MRI after a couple of days if it does not clear up on its own. Thankfully she's a tough bird, just like her old man. :thumbup: :thumbup:


And there were some good folks (strangers) there immediately to help out, to get her out of the car, make sure she was more-or-less OK, and who signed on as witnesses for the cops and whatever else is needed. Thanks to you, whoever you are. See, karma does work -- despite what everyone says, I too play the good Samaritan when required regardless of the supposed risks.




"Daddy, never mind. Don't think too much. I'm OK. It's like, no big deal! Now about that phone number..." :crazy:




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Good to hear she is okay :thumbup:


I was expecting the thread to be something like.....


You know your daughter has been in the States too long when she:


* thinks Paris is a little spoiled slut, not a city in France

* thinks Girls Gone Wild is a prerequisite for attending college

* thinks a Brazilian is something you get at a beauty shop and not a person from Brazil

* thinks Saddam Hussien was the mastermind behind 9/11

* thinks K-Mart must be related to K-Fed.

* the Enquirer is a reputable news source :crazy:

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"Daddy, never mind. Don't think too much. I'm OK. It's like, no big deal! Now about that phone number..."


Perhaps she's been in Thailand too long as well.. :D


Good to hear she's alright :up:

Well, she *is* half Thai, and grew up in Asia until she was 15...




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Thanks for the well wishes. Nevada seems to be a "sue happy" place, when compared to Michigan anyway. Probably because they do NOT have "no fault" auto insurance. But the bloody insurance is 50% more expensive than Michigan which does. Go figure.


My long time (friend and) company lawyer is a barracuda. She likes to win, and is quite a good litigator, judging by her won/lost record. She's on the case, as a (paid) favour...



SD -- staying out of it; letting the kid learn

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Becase some people helped her out, it might be hard to tell if the accident injured her or getting her out of the car injured her.


In the USA this won't matter. Her lawyer will sue the people that helped her out as well. Heck, he might sue everyone that was within a 10 block radius just to cover his bases.


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Our lawyer is not ambulance chaser, but a corporate attorney who litigates the odd case for friends and good clients. So she's a bit more ethical than those 1-800-sue-em guys.


However, if Nevada did NOT have Good Samaritan laws (i.e., "Any person who, in good faith, renders emergency medical care or assistance to an injured person at the scene of an accident or other emergency without the expectation of receiving or intending to receive compensation from such injured person for such service, shall not be liable in civil damages for any act or omission, not constituting gross negligence, in the course of such care or assistance."), it would have been an interesting test of daughter's ethics. While I would have let her make her own decision, I would have told her my opinion that suing someone who helped you in time of need is simply wrong.


But we don't have to go there. Probably best.




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