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'Islamic Jesus' hits Iranian movie screens


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The bulk of "Jesus, the Spirit of God", which won an award at the 2007 Religion Today Film Festival in Italy, faithfully follows the traditional tale of Jesus as recounted in the New Testament Gospels, a narrative reproduced in the Koran and accepted by Muslims.


But in Talebzadeh's movie, God saves Jesus, depicted as a fair-complexioned man with long hair and a beard, from crucifixion and takes him straight to heaven.


"It is frankly said in the Koran that the person who was crucified was not Jesus" but Judas, one of the 12 Apostles and the one the Bible holds betrayed Jesus to the Romans, he said. In his film, it is Judas who is crucified.


Islam sees Jesus as one of five great prophets - others being Noah, Moses and Abraham - sent to earth to announce the coming of Mohammed, the final prophet who spread the religion of Islam. It respects Jesus' followers as "people of the book".


That's what Mo said, folks ...

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p.s. I've read the Qu'ran. It does NOT say Judas was crucified. Jesus sort of dies or disappears and SOMEBODY is crucified. The Qu'ran also gets Old Testament history messed up a few times, but of course the Jews who wrote it down centuries earlier had it wrong. Muhammad (PBUH) was without sin and obviously could make no mistakes.



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Flash, were we in the same history class in junior high in north Philly? :) lol


Well, he passed as an egyptian in northern africa, that was what we were taught in black history month when I was in school so draw your own conclusions :smirk:....if he wasn't his kids were, he married an ethiopian in the bible. However, at my dad's church when ever what Jesus or Moses or whomever's race in the bible was brought up we were just told 'Don't know, don't matter, they existed and did great things and that's the only thing that matters'.



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Who's that nutty prof of Black history who claims that Socrates, Plato, Cleopatra and a lot of other famous folks were black?


p.s. Why don't they ever talk about Warren G. Harding - who may well have been slightly black? And I suppose you know about the Black Jews in NYC, who calim they are the REAL Jews and the white ones are imposters.




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Never met any black Greeks.


There are, of course, black Jews. Sammy Davis Jr comes to mind.


But then again, Jewishness is weird cuz it is a race and a religion, so "a Jew" could actually be race, right? How does one distinguish between a racial Jew and a religious Jew? :dunno:


I always thought Moses was a good basketball player in his prime -- 1982 (?) MVP as I recall.




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The claim about Cleopatra is based on the fact that one of her grandmothers was described as a slave. Some black American folks immediately decided that means she must have had a black grandmother. Problem is that back in Classical times slaves could be any race. Since Cleo was Macedonian Greek - not even Egyption - and the Macedonian Greek rulers of Egypt intermarried only with each other, it is extremely likely the slave granny was anything other than a Greek herself. But a lot of African-American groups claim her nonetheless.


Claiming Socrates and Plato is really bizarre though. Not even such flimsy "evidence" as there is with Cleopatra.


Black Jews are mentioned in the Bible, presumably converts in Africa. (Ever heard of the Ethiopian Jews?) But the kooks in NYC simply decided to be Jews, the same as Elijah Muhammad's crowd decided to be Muslims. I saw some of the NYC Black Jews inteview on TV once. Some of the white Jews in the audience were getting quited pissed off at their claims to being the only "real ones".





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