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$ 1,75 / month for posting here


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Gentlemen ,


sorry to disturb the quietness of this Friday afternoon by revitalising prehistoric turbulences . But could anybody here remember when it was that this board of fine gentlemen has been terrorised by a threat of Delphi to exclude anybody from partcipating if he does not pay them §1,75 a month ? I vaguely remember that only one disturbed individual ( probably me ) did enter relationship with them and the good old Khunsanuk in a panicdriven overnight activity did something to save our souls . I vaguely guess it must have been about 30 years ago but I could be wrong .



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$ 4,95 Lord in Heaven :thumbdown: .


I am indeed in nostalgic mood as I have just been celebrating my 10 years Thailand-activities jubilee and I burst in tears last night when tried to figure what I have spent on Social activities, female alone . Not to mention Properties, Isaan plateau. From time to time am thinking if it has been worth all the bleeding but then I am sure it was ( is ) .





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