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Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling


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Just another crock of bullshit to keep us scared/helpless and justify even greater attempts to control us. Wait for the bloody "climate change tax".


One thing IS for sure.


The paradigm of conspicuous mass consumption, for the sake of consumption alone, which is the bedrock of Capitalism, is leading to unnecessary depletion and wastage of resources as well as terrible pollution.


Let's see them attack Capitalism... oh wait, Capitalism is the system that keeps them rich.



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Apparently you believe "Capitaliasm" and the US are the root of all evil. If this is so, then what system would you recommend for trade?


Which nation and/or political system do you believe best serves mankind?


Now that your namesake in the island paradise of Cuba has stepped down, is there a world leader who you would line-up behind...perhaps Putin, Ahmadinejad or GWB?


I am interested as to what you deem the "right" system. :hmmm:

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Chuck, I happen to believe that a system based on ever-increasing production and ever-increasing consumption can only lead to disaster.


In case you haven't noticed, human beings have been reduced to the status of "consumer" under this system, we've been dehumanised. All day, every day we are bombarded with messages telling us we need to buy crap we don't need. Since the 1930s, Freud's theories about man's subconscious desires have been used to manipulate us, to make us feel inadequate if we do not possess certain things.


Human relationships are steadily being reduced to the level of financial transactions, (from prostitutes to psychoanalysts).


Atomization and alienation are leading to increased mental illness and social malaise..


It would take me a long time to set forth an alternative, and I'm no expert on the subject.


But Chuck, answer me this. do you believe THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE to the current system?


If so... you are seriously lacking in imagination.

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And in response to your comment about my antipathy towards the US. Well, the bulk of the world's financial wealth is concentrated in and controlled by the US.


The US also established the Bretton Woods institutions (World Bank, WTO etc) and has a disproportionate say in their policies. As such, the United States is the driving force behind the Capitalist system.


I also dislike the US habit of slaughtering millions of people in the pursuit of profit. It really is bad manners.

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