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Era of cheap food ends as prices surge


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Lack of proper nutrients from junk food diet and withering blood supply to brain because of fat furring up arteries, maybe? :)


He said "apart from a very very tiny minority of people with genetic defects, no one needs to be overweight...if you're fat, it's simply out of stupidity and/or complete and utter disregard for you own body"


Seems fair enough to me. Everyone should know how to lose fat by now. It's fucking easy. Spend more energy than you take in. Exercise a bit more, eat the right foods. If you don't do that, either you don't care or you lack will power (99%) or you're just stupid (maybe 1% thinking their Jaffa cake diet won't pack on the pounds and it's down to 'genes' :) ). Not much to argue about there, surely.


It mystifies me how so many people just don't seem to care about the state of their own bodies. But, in a way, it's good for those of us who keep in shape. Few girls really like a fatty. :)


He put it a bit strong with the forced labour camps ( :) ) but he's right. Although I'd alter it to only include women having to keep themselves in shape. I don't care if other men are fat.


So in short, Colourwolf may be slightly gay but spare us all this fat-sympathy and crying. It's one thing for a fat guy to happily admit he's a lazy fat bastard. :thumbup: It's another to go all girly and whiny about it. :thumbdown:

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Not to worry, portions are going down here for sure. Had to do my 90-day thing at Immigration today (feels like reporting to your parole officer :p ), so I stopped by the Bai Miang restaurant, as I always do when on Soi Suan Plu. I ordered my regular meal there - and it came 50% smaller than last time. It tasted just as good, but was very noticeably less. Actually, their portions before were too big, but the reduced portion left me a bit hungry.


I mentioned the shrinking portions to my taxi driver on the way home, and he immediately gestured to show how small portions are now. He said you have to order the "special" portion, and even then is not as big as the regular used to be.


Looks like I don't need to diet. The restaurants are taking care of it for me.





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Congrats...we have found our new Hitler...hating not the Jews (not that we know of) but fat people.


It disgusts him, and mayu be unhealthy behavior, so they should be locked up and forced to pay for it.


Ok, but let's also then lock up the people who drink too much (unhealthy)


who smoke


who spend too much time watching tv or on the computer (anti-social)


who write stupid posts on forums (annoying to others)


Gosh, we could jail lots of people.


Or, maybe instead...you could let people live their own lives and shut the fuck up

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The overweight issue is not so simple. I must admit to a somewhat too high BMI, 26.7. But I can do squats with a 65 kilo barbell on my shoulders, deadlifts 80 kilos, military press 40 kilos, already being tired by a 45 minute session, etcetera etcetara. I need one hour to cover 10 km running in hot weather. I am 50 per cent vegetarian. Drink moderately, don't smoke.


But per definition I am overweight and should thus be placed in some camp!!!


Overeating is a big problem and I tend to blame the food industry. They send out stimuli for bad, processed food that hit our survival instinct that always says EAT!


It is thus very difficult to reduce weight because of this link between artificially created hunger for fast food and our survival instinct.


I thus feel a strong empathy towards fat people rather than judging them (us?), but I would like to encourage everyone to switch towards as much natural food as possible and of course, to take up an intensive, yes I said INTENSIVE and a well planned and executed exercise program. Do it until you are exhausted to the point of working on ultimate will power. This will increase lean muscle mass and boost your all important metabolism.


And again, read Michael Pollan's best selling "In Defence of Food". It's in all its simplicity a genuine eye opener:


"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants". And:


"Don't eat anything that your grandmother wouldn't recognize!"

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What makes me laugh about the likes of Colorwolf and Bibblies is that they openly mock fat people thinking that they are safe as they are both obviously very thin. However before they do this they should think about how they would feel if the boot were on the other foot.


I mean, how would Colorwolf and Bibblies feel if posters started openly mocking thick people?

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