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Teen arrested for 'blasphemous T-shirt'


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There's no doubt that there's plenty of people that rely on spirituality or religion to find strenght to live their lives. I have no problem with that. My point is that these people (and I guess that includes you) could be called weak for relying on something that could actually not exist. I'm an atheist coming from a catholic background and I realised quite early in my life what a scam my religion really is.

As for the young punk wearing the t shirt being charged by the cops all I can say is : haven't they got something better to do?

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In my day the officer would have kicked my arse then called my old man who would have given me another hiding.

Police and parental brutality now.

Personally I'd rather not look at it, I suppose I could be described as a cynical agnostic but I was raised in the church and it makes me feel a little squirmy to look at that garbage.

A soft target thing I suppose.

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You're right some people would call that weak and its their right. There are people whose personality's are very strong with or with out religion but have a faith.


In any event, I don't mind being seen as weak at all. I'm all about if I'm acting in a manner that I feel is right or wrong (many times wrong..lol). I don't judge anyone that doesn't or does have a faith, just how they are as a person.


The problem I see are with those with a faith and those without a faith is that they sometimes treat people a certain way because they have it or don't have it. Its wrong either way in my book.


As for the shirt, young folks have always rebelled against society with fashion.


Long hair in the late '60s, early '70s was scary to some.


Those 'Make love, not war' t shirts in the Vietnam war era was very offensive to middle america and probably got Nixon more votes because of it.


Those black rock band t shirts in the old days with the satanic references or pictures was just as offensive to general society. Many high schools banned them. Even the name of the band 'Black Sabbath' was offensive enough to be on a t shirt.


I found the shirt offensive but again, I don't believe I have a right to force someone to make me feel comfortable. I wouldn't ban someone from wearing a shirt that had KKK on it or White Power or a Nazi insignia like they do in Germany, where that symbol is banned (I understand why though). The hairs on my neck would stand up straight if I was in an elevator with someone with White Power and a confederate flag on his shirt (or a Man Yoo shirt ; ) but to ban him means someone can ban me from wearing some of the t shirts I have. And I have a few. Some that tweak the sensibilities a little. They are mildly naughty. One says 'I'm a virgin...but this is an old t shirt' another says 'I'm sorry....I only date strippers' (got that at the Hustler store in Hollywood).


Second thought ban the Man Utd shirt. Really, is there a right to actually wear that rag? :thumbdown:


If the guy had a t shirt that said George Bush is a Cunt and got banned for it, you'd find the complete opposite responses from some on here.


PS: My god my spelling was god awful in my last post. Worse than usual. Okay, only excuse was I wrote it about 1 am or so. Its a weak excuse but its all I got. :content: I write and obviously don't spell check or check for grammar when I write a post. I just write as soon as the thought comes to mind. Not a good thing but I'm the impatient type.

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Although this will no doubt paint me as an extremist...


I sort of admire the kid.


The catholic church has caused so much bloodshed, so much pain. And even if they aren't killing people now, I personally feel that, if there is a God, he would want people to experience all that life has to offer, and, yes, even to make mistakes. What churches do is to limit people activities, which I believe hampers their ability to be the best they could be or the happiest they could be. In short, they, like Republicans, are actually doing the opposite of God's will.


For somebody to tell this controlling body to go fuck themselves, and for those who enslave themselves in this cult of fairy tales to see they don't have to be followers, I think is sorta a good thing. I wish more people would do it.


And I think this is totally different from anti-black t-shirts for that reason. Nobody choosed to be a certain color, and it doesn't really say anything about who you are and what you represent as an individual.

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