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Bloody sweet thai food


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sure i like Cantonese Food and Chinese Food in General; also Thai food if it is cooked well and with a use of spices that makes sense! but i try to avoid westernised thai restaurants. and i was pissed off when i had to go to Thai restaurants in Europe (two different countries) and the staff was a bit surprised when i gave some feedback in their mother tongue, politly but straight forward.

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Dunno yet about northern thai food, do they have specialised restaurants in BKK ?... anyway after so much hassle I decided to give up the Montignac regime today and booked this coming week end in l'hotel Lutecia in Paris, might be a bit lonely at this period but at least will enjoy as much french food as I can endure while relaxing around the very sweet rue du bac... before serious works starts again on monday :thumbup:

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I've never stayed in Hotel Lutetia, but I've passed it many times. There're a lot of international restaurants in that area - french, arab, lebanese, chinese, vietnamese - don't remember any thai restaurant but it's possible.

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That's OK... I will try and survive without the thai restaurants :smirk:


Lutecia has a very large and nice bar, and quite amazingly there always seems to be comfortable sitting space available there, even when all the other cafes are totally packed in the same area. Definetely would advice you to pop in next time you're around.


I also noticed recently Lutecia offers very reasonnable rates (possibly the cheapest downtown for a ****luxe, the french version of a five stars) and I might become a regular there.

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"booked this coming week end in l'hotel Lutecia in Paris, might be a bit lonely at this period but at least will enjoy as much french food as I can endure while relaxing around the very sweet rue du bac... "


Have I ever written on this forum I felt ashamed ?? Well, if not it's time to... reached Paris this morning and Le lutecia late afternoon... Paris 7th arrondissement is so beautiful... I feel like a piece of shit I took wife and baby out to BKK... 3 to 5 years... we make enough money than come back... The Oriental in BKK... it's nice... but it's to Paris 7th what a donkey's fart is to Oxygen...

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