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cern and blackholes

Guest baldrick

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If you want to more about string theory you can read a popular version on wikipedia.


There's problem in physics, modern physics today is based on 2 different theories, the quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity. Both theories are proven but give different answers to some problems - for example that one sort of particle can interact instantly with an other particle at the other end of universe according to quantum physics, but according to the general theory of relativity nothing can interact faster than the light speed.


An other problem is to combine gravity with the other 3 natural forces (a theory for the 3 is proven correct).


The string theory is a theory by Hawking to make a general theory of physics explaining everything so far like Newton did once.


Personally I'm not convinced that it's correct but predicting an armageddon is bringing us back more than 500 years.

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Yes, but it's hard to understand.


To bring back the discussion to a normal level, compare it with the explanation of lightning before Ben Franklin,


"lightning is God's punishment" said the christians but they had problem why so many churches were hit by lightning...


Ben Franklin explained it and of course such a theory was anatema for the fundamentalists. :)


Today fundamentalists say that darwinism/evolution is just a theory - but it's too well established and proved to be just a theory. If Jesus existed is however just a theory. :susel:

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