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Wireless Internet in BKK


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I just set Ms Vampirella up with mobile internet for her notebook, cuz she wanted to use it in several places. Basically, AIS has an EDGE data package. We chose 100 hours for B350. We then went to Fortune and scouted around for an EDGE USB or PCMCIA modem. Found a Vodaphone USB one for B4190. Insert SIM into modem, load software, insert modem into laptop, surfing in 10 minutes. Not really fast enough for watching YouTube, but fine for email and web research.


Probably a bit more spendy than you want, but maybe not as the hardware is reusable or sellable.




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Aw damn. I wish I would have remembered that. How much? If cheap enough, I'll take it as a "just in case" item (and loan it to HH if he wants to go that route).


But will it work with any EDGE ISP, or is it locked to Hutch?




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