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Denmark 'world's happiest nation'


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I would encourage you to go, this is a really nice city.


My Danish friends are really great people but they admit themselves that Denmark can be a lonely country if you go live there (at least at the begining) as Danish people have a very private life and getting close to them is really difficult.


Still, I would certainly consider working there if not for the weather...


Don't have any opinion regarding the survey though.

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Yes, I have heard/read something like this before about Denmark.


Is it a Viking thing?


How much diversity is there in Denmark?


I bet they have universal medical coverage - so no need to worry there.


Surveys: I lived in this pathetic small former mill town in NA awhile back. Mills all closed. Town/city looked run down. Dull boring town. And not a pretty one either with the mills all boarded up along the river.


But, the town/city next over was a college town. Famous college. The college in next town also had a medical school and famous hospital. The median income was skewed as some/many of the college professors and medical people lived in my town.


The newspaper of my town - one day - had headline - basically stating that this town was rated best in country - Number 1. I just could not believe that anyone or institution could rate this town anywhere near Number 1. And the newspaper had a field day espousing the greatness of this dumpy former mill town.


Well, I dug deeper. The survey was done by some college professor who had never actually visited the town nor visited the province nor visited the state.


His conclusion - the survey results - came strictly from - (manipulated) STATISTICS. After that one, I am a little leary about surveys stating this town/city/country is the best.


But, I too, would love to visit Denmark. My guess is that Danes are happy and that Denmark is a nice country - with or without some survey.


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