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Obama's In Trouble With Health Care


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Let's get on with things that need to get done and stop playing the GWB card.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, GWB as an azzhole with a capital A...time for Pres. O to step up and;


1. keep some of his campaign promises.

2. get the troops home. Fark waht happened in the past, get the troops home!!!

3. stop this insane bailout sending and spend the TAXPAYERS money where it will directly help the TAXPAYERS.


Farin hell, it's not rocket science!




Yes, I agree, please see the part of my previous post where I explain why Obama is not able to keep this promise...mainly, that he wants a second term, is already campaigning for it, and losing these wars will kill his chances.


As for health care, we need it, should have it, but as long as the corporations and their bitch politicians keep duping the idiot voters with lies, we will not get it.

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Presidencies have run in this way for decades. The newly elected President spends the first term trying to get re-elected and the second term trying to get into the history books by leaving some sort of legacy. Sad but that's how it usually goes.

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Yeah, didn't some guy high up on GWBs team just come out and say he was pressured to raise the threat level a few days before the election? gee, why can't people believe the government is working for us not against us? weren't these the same moralist bastards who got rocked when Billy biy got a BJ in the white house? you know, the same people who take their 18 or 19 year old sons to BKK to go whore mongering...or was it to get chased by katoeys? seems these people just aren't happy unless they are being hypocritical...oh well...

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Right. The guy inherited a shit pile, and he'll pick and choose what to use to get re-elected.


BTW, has anyone noticed we don't have those "threat level/terror alerts" anymore? No more "blue yellow red..." gee what happened?



Right. And it's not called the War on Terror anymore. Perhaps the dust of 911 is finally settling? Which probably means we're due for another attack.

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Cheney has assured us of it.


As for health care, saw some old rich white woman, chairman of some committee (sounds communist!) who appeared drunk as she ranted on tv this morning about health care and why she quit the AARP...almost slipped a few times with the big word when talking about Obama...funny to see...and sad as well. Odd is, all these old fucks loved the AARP when it kissed their ass and lobbied for them, now it is a "socialist/liberal organization that wants to take away their benefits...these old guys love it both ways.

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Huge voting block though and can swing Florida one way or the other if they mobilized.


As more baby boomers enter retirement, the AARP will only get stronger.


I read a few articles some time ago there will be an 'age war' between baby boomers and gen x'ers and gen y'ers because the former will be bigger than the latter and the youngsters will have to pay an exhorbitant amount of taxes to keep social security, medicare, etc. alive. Who knows if that will come to fruition.


On another note, I can't believe how left leaning I've becmoe over the last year or so. My ideology has shifted certainly. I can't see myself voting for just about any of the Republicans. I write off any with social conservative leanings right away. Ron Paul has his issues but I'd go for him although he's not really a Republican, he's a Libertarian.


Okay, only throw fresh fruit and veggies but actually there is one Republican who I thought would make a decent Prez but the 2000 election pretty much eliminated him from the highest office: Jeb Bush. Moderate, not caught up in the religious social stuff. Had some very good ideas. Made points with the far left with his trying to protect the wetlands and coast of Florida from oil drilling , etc. He eliminated affirmative action in Florida colleges in a 'humane way'. Anyone finishing in the top 10% of their class were admitted to the Univ. of Florida system. You competed against those in your own area so a good student in an inferior school didn't have to compete against someone with far greater resources. Black groups came out against it in droves but the result was an increased in black enrollment in the U of Fla system. He also had a voucher system as well if your school's score average were well below par. He was the brother that everyone thought would be President, not the Dubya.


Anyway, at the risk of discounting the true anger that people may have, I still don't see the outrage by many at these town hall as anything as a ruse. Its about Obama not health care I think. Its smart. I suspect the RNC or its surrogates of orchestrating a lot of it. Its smart politics. I would expect the Dems to do the same if the roles were reversed. However, as I said, thinking that is the cause, makes me question the merits of the opposition points.





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The main bitch of ...this bitch was that the AARP "is a liberal organization." It was funny to see her catching herself, I knew she really wanted to use different words in referring to Obama.


She did mention some other group "S.A." Senior Americans or something that she described as a "Conservative minded group," noting that many were now leaving the AARP and going there...

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