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Little massage gal spreading her wings?


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Well, we got off to a flying start and then crashed.


Picked her up last nite around 10.30, for a night on the town, stay at a Pats hotel and then next day go to the island with her friend and the friends german BF.


The night on the toiwn was fun, Babydolls shocked her again, (well, between the spa ladies fucking a tonic bottle, then doing each other with that same bottle, and the two mattress ladies doing a very intens and intrusive leasbo act, then inviting customers to invade various orifices with their fingers, then cleaning up the damage with their toingues, I must say maybe it wasn't the most salubrious environment to bring a casual Kind of GF to. So we declared it over the top and not tasteful, and escaped to Anglewitch, which she always loves. Around one, she had said she wanted the last sow at AW as well, I said OK, but while waiting for that to start we spend the next half hour in a different place. She thought about that, and said. "let's go home".


We did, and engaged in a wonderful exhuberant round of wild sex. After that, i thought she went for a quick shower, but instead heard her vomiting, and she spent about 20 minutes over the toilet bowl. I hadn't realsied she drank that much, but she's got a small frame, and 4 bacardi coolers had done her in. So i tucked her in and read a bit, then slept. Around seven, I woke up with a boner, which may have been because she was very lightly caressing it. I thought she would be nearly dead, but she proved even more randy the the night before and really pulled out all stops. That over, she passed out again. When the time came for us to get up to meet the other two for our trip, she could barely move herself. Sick and hungover, she slept most of the way to Ban Peh, and then looked green on the boat across to Koh Samet. We found an OK and cheap (800 Bt) guest house, then parked ourselves on the beach. She slept, ate a bit., slept again, we went back to the room at 5.00 pm, she is out cold now.


Hmm, not my idea of how we were going to spend a few days away, I had been thinking more about rabbit activity, but it is early days yet. her friend and the Gillaman are Ok company, but a bit more lovey dovey then I had expected.


We'll see how it goes. I do like her very much, but am starting to se a few cracks appearing. Maybe explosively good sex on its own is not sufficient for a meaningful relationship beyond an hour or two! It could be that our relation is best in those short two hour encounters in the ST hotel around the corner.

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Ups and downs continuing. Her hangover is over, as demonstrated by a 3.00 AM assault on me, then another one at 7.00 AM, both with the usual gusto and liquid. But after breakfast we sat on the beach, and she was bored stiff. Swam for two minutes , ate somtam, slept until lunchtime. Huge lunch mainly prawns, Little afternoon laydown in room which she first was reluctant ("The gillaman nextdoors may hear us (WTF!) I shy" But then eventually happily took part in the third romp of the day, I spare you the details, but we're now both exhausted. She said "Little bit jep, maybe tonight only fuck one time?"


During the beach sleep. I got an sms from her MP predecessor, who was back in town (Well, I think her BF has left, I put her off to next week), and one from an old old ex BG friend, who wanted to talk after her first ever unfidelity in 5 years ( was the last 5 yrs ago), and an sms from a former Nevada dancer, memorable for her squirting, also back in town. Busy week ahead it seems.


I think maybe taking Ms Noi here to the island was not such a good ida, there is little else to do but eat drink and fuck, if you are not into watersports or sunbathing. And yes, our two generations age difference, and her fairly empty head don't leave much left to say.

We keep learning the same lesson again. My only downfall is, she's so damn hot once she gets going, and really very sweet as well, and I get off on perky little tits.

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Well, she did what she does best again last night, and I tried to be as gentle as can be, she showed her appreciation by being extra cuddly and affectionate. But I think the chemistry outside the bed simply isn't there. She's shy by nature, her older (33) colleague isn't, and is all over her "Gillaman", tickling , joking and being affectionate in public, Noi is reserved in public. Of course colleague is only 20 years apart from her Gillaman, Noi nearly 40 from me (Although I think we look similar age, I shave, and have half his size belly), It is clear she feels embarrassed if I discreetly touch her in public, would never kiss in public, and doesn't do much conversation.

the other difference is that I am declared only casual, while the Gillaman is on the list, he may indeed end up making an honest woman of her. I don't think he butterflies, and he told me he is seriously thinking about removing her from the scene. So the incentives are different.


Yes Mr Faustian, you're right. Although it was a slightly disappointing few days, it was a good way to break the spell. I'll keep her in the once a week MP visit, for her great performance, but will slowly tone down my involvement. She got out from under my skin.


I think my mistake was that i was expecting a god old GFE for a few days, and basically got hot sex in the room, and a bit of a bored starfish outside. Being at the beach didn't help, 'cause she was militant about sun exposure, and ended up staying more of the day in the room then on the beach. What a way to spend a holidays on a tropical island!


So we returned this afternoon, and although I had intended to spend another night with her in Pattaya before she goes back to work tomorrow, I backed off, pleaded unexpected work pressure coming in by phone and left her at her workplace mid afternoon. Well rewarded for her efforts of course. I suppose a few days rest for her sensitive areas won't do any harm either.

I will keep my committment to take her to her Dr. appointment on Saturday, for her tests and safety talk, that was promised and I think worthwhile. But no more extended stays.


I am a bit of a fool, falling for these really cute young ones, I bloody well learned my lesson more then once. i remember 2 or 3 years ago in Hua Hin, with the one I then called "Ms Little Rice field" (Well it really was "Rose Apple" I think, poor translation at the time), who enchanted me. Then too, I fell for the pretty face and great body, but then the GFE was there but the sex woefully inadequate, and starfish like.


Time to go back to the solid performing 30+ year olds in my stable.

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Its like a soap opera.


This story is likely to go on for a long time.


Not complaining - interesting story in that the ending is somewhat expected but there again who knows.


She seems to like a shag but after that she doesn't have any other interests. That may be because she has lead a sheltered life and isn't experienced in things other than 'work'.


Keep the story going - maybe more detail needs to be added. Pity we can't have a photo to go with the story.

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>This story is likely to go on for a long time.<




Contrary to my usual warning about explicit sex, this post has none, so you perverts who only want to read the dirty bits can skip it.


Picked her up at 9.30 this morning, to take her to the doctor at Pattaya Int Hosp.


I chose that after some good other suggestions, because on a recent visit I got talking to the dermatology doc, a very cute woman who looks about 26. I saw her on a different matter, but aware that usually dermatology also deals with STD, I asked her about it. It does. So I explained the things about Noi, how she is very shy and scared of doctors, and asked if she would be willing to take a bit of time to make her at ease and give her some advice.


The last time i Took noi to the Dr was after her accident in the songtheow, when she got badly bruised. At that visit, I didn't go in with her (She is 23!), and found out afterwards she had not mentioned all her bruises, was shy and scared to talk to the doc.


So this time, I came in for the consultation with her. I had written an email to the dr outlining what I wanted her to do, to make sure she got it right.


Noi was very nervous. Luckily, the Doc was very gentle, bit of smalltalk, then explaining things about posssible consequences of unsafe sex, about the 3 months window of HIV being there before being detencted (i think this is now 2 months), and then she mentioned something about who would look after her 3 year old daughter if she would die of a disease.


That made Noi burst out in tears. She was explained about higher risks by sleeping with multiple partners, by sleeping with drug users or with men who also sleep with men.


When I asked if she could recommend a simple book about the subject of sexual health etc, she said she didn't know of any in Thai. Maybe there is a market here for a new book. She added that many thai people don't rally read much so it might be a waste. I suggested a good book would have more images. So Doc said the only images she had was in medical taxtbooks. She hauled out a text book and proceeded to show Noi some colour pix of syphilis effects, which seemed to do the job. I know scare tactics don't always have a long effect, but i think this was useful.


She arranged bloodtests for both of us (I joined to encourage Noi, to make her feel this was not just about her being 'sick or dirty", ( won't o me any harm, after all my carousing on Soi 6) and then we talked about HPV inoculation. Because Noi is relatively high risk, like all women with high number of multiple partners, she decided she'd have it.


Until she heard the price. then i had to talk her back into it by explaining the cost of life is higher, especuially in her daughters eyes. So OK, we did a bit of guilt tripping, but sometimes the end justifies the means. I'm pretty sure this girl isn't going to accept a bareback client for a long time or ever.


While waiting, she read a Thai language pamphlet about HPV and cervical cancer, and was quite excited about finding things she didn't know. She identiified herself from that as bing in a higher risk group, and told me how many Thai women die every day of CC, according to th etext the second highest woman killer disease afetr Aids.

Then referred on to the Gyno nextdoors for a inspection and papsmear, which must be done prior to the HPV vacc. before seing the Gyno, Noi asked in a very small voice if the gyno was a man or a woman. Luckily, it was a woman. I could imagine she wouldn't feel tooo happy about a male gyno.

The gyno also didn't know of the existence of any informative books in thai, and suggested we try finding something on thai Google, and gave us some keywords.


Noi has never used a computer, not even for email or anything else, (Only once, my laptop, to watch some porn movies while I had an appointment in BKK. But then I turned it on, and she only used the butttons for stop and FFWD.) so she'll have to do eitehr via a collegue, or via me in the hotel.

My written thai is not briliant, but with the help of my dictionary I maybe able to get somewhere.


Then the Gyno asked if either of us had Hep B protection. of course, it is a commercial hospital, and I'm sure there maybe some incentive. But on the balance of it, i realise Hep B is also an STD, and it would make sense, so we got our first shot, back next month for more.


I think with the nice attitude of all the staff, Noi ended up feeling a lot more secure about going to the doctor, so maybe that is a longterm positive outcome. Only tonight I read the doc's email reply to mine, she said she'd read my email to her to her nursing staff, so they'd understand and be friendly. Well, they certainly were.


I suspect there'd be a bit of tonguewagging after we left, after about two hours.


Well, another fun day. Noi couldn't take the rest of the day off, I offered, but they were short staffed at work, it's a Holiday weekend, aand maybe some distance is safer. So after working though the afternoon, I decided to take the night off, booked myself into Secrets hotel, and will be carousing on my own in WS tonight..


I suppose, its almost 9.00 pm, time to gird my loins and get underway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The carousing now come to an end, I had to do some work on my last night in Pattaya. Finished around ten, and contrary to my own plans of a quiet night, found myself in the neighbourhood where Noi works. She knocks off at about 10.30. Lo and behold, at 10.15, I get a phone call.

" Hi darling how are you? I just want to say goodbye and good luck."


I caved in without much resistance, Picked her up from work, and booked us in in a small Guesthouse/bar in the next soi. Went out to find a "seven" to buy drink, mouthwash and condoms + a toothbrush, I left my luggage at the other place, and retired to the room.


It is good I am leaving for a while, I risk getting in too deep.


All night, we mainly cuddled. In the morning, I woke up to see the light falling through a gap in the curtains, onto her bare back and beautiful round bum. She was asleep, and I sat and watched her for a while. She slowly woke up, and found me watching. "Farang Tingtong!"


Yes. Farang Tingtong.


She rolled over, and I just sat there, enjoying. Sometimes just watching is such an intense pleasure. Then I joined her and nibbled her all over. She is essentially very slim, but childbearing has probably widened her pelvis beyond the just tiny to a nice proportion, a tiny rounding of her tummy, which she calls Uan, and I call nice female rounding without being fat. Below her belly button some stretchmarks, but not too pronounced. She calls it 'my map of Isan', I call it 'proud to be a mother'. Higher up these small, pert, IMHO perfectly shaped breasts jutting out. After 6 months now she is still a pasionate kisser. The smell of her intoxicates me.

I can't get enough of her, yet have to leave.

That last sight of her on the bed in the morning light is etched on my brain now.


I feel ambivalent about leaving. I must because I cannot get deeper in.

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