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Now Obama Wants To Fuck Up Immigration in the U.S.


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my favorite palin gaff this week is her admission she & her family snow mobile'd into to Canada for state run health care.

aka: stealin' fer jeeee-sus


palin thinks the "Flintstones" was a documentary .. she is the perfect republican.

(she has seen human foot prints in dino's tracks)


the more republicans an area has the higher the obesity & the higher the cancer stick consumption.

these are facts


.. & IMHO, fewer tooths

does 'red state' reflect on gum health?

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Palin is the Dims best hope.


(IMHO, they are not much better than the republicans)

Ron Paul is one of the few republican with a triple digit IQ


republicans are such dummy posers.

HH associates himself (avatar) with a liberal.

Brad pitt: actively supported John Kerry in 2004, environmentalism, alternative fuels and energy-efficient cars, and global issues of trade, poverty and AIDs.


seems like a 'true conservative' would have mitch mcconnel as his :yay: (more accurate) image :yay:


Brad is a movie star that low brow republicans like to associate with.. rayguns, obese cancer stick b movie star J. wayne.


& now the pin-up from Mass & the pin up from Wasilla are the republican future





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You will be relieved that Obama is delaying his Asian trip for a few days to concentrate on passage of the health care bill.


That's ok...the bill will be repealed as soon as next year :content:


CW...actually, he meant that he would go to one of CR's private hospitals for serious medical problems--not move there as a permanent resident. This would be to avoid long waits for needed procedures or being denied procedures under guidelines established by "Mommy". I think a lot of people would do that..and already do that. Same that a lot of farangs go to Bumrungrad. I'm sure that there will be many, many doctors who will not accept Obamacare...making it even more difficult for some to acquire medical services.


OH...I don't "hate" Fuckstick Obama. I despise his policies. He's a socialist/commie idealogue. Just like I don't hate the board members here who think he's "wonderful". Feelings are "pity" and "sorrow" that they are so easily duped. (And, yes, the thought of Biden or Pelosi taking over the White House is very, very scarey. But Biden would be less of an evil considering the make up of Obama. Pelosi...wouldn't bother me a bit if somebody fitted her with cement boots and threw her off the Golden Gate.)





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CW...actually, he meant that he would go to one of CR's private hospitals for serious medical problems--not move there as a permanent resident. This would be to avoid long waits for needed procedures or being denied procedures under guidelines established by "Mommy". I think a lot of people would do that..and already do that. Same that a lot of farangs go to Bumrungrad. I'm sure that there will be many, many doctors who will not accept Obamacare...making it even more difficult for some to acquire medical services.




Right it's like Bumrungrad. Rush is no fool. He'll get cheaper, faster and better service in Costa Rica. That speaks volumes for the current US healthcare system. And the Costa Ricans will use the money they get from him to subsidize their own social system. It's a win win.

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US Healthcare is a mess. I work in it and still can't wrap my head around the complexity of the different structures and processes in place.


The issue I have with Obama is that he turned it over to congress to work out. And like some of their 'solutions' for the economy, what they worked out is garbage dressed up in pretty clothes. Several petty dictators looking out for themselves and their little fifedoms. I don't think the current proposals are a fix. .02


Still, even in its messy state, there are some pretty fucking wonderful elements in our system. The cutting edge research and clinical trials, the peer review, the advances being made across several spectrums....


There's no doubt -- if one wanted cheap generic healthcare you could find it easier in some places. We do NOT have adequate safety nets. Period. But it's not all bad. If you wanted to treat a brain tumor, or have triple heart bypass surgery, or an interventional radiology procedure, or a long list of tertiary services -- the US is your best bet.

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I just finshed a terrific book called "Game Change" which goes behind the scenes of several campaigns during th e 08 election. It was written by two seemingly unbiased journalists...one from Time magazine and one from the Economist (which to the Fox News crew will mean ultra liberal hacks seeing as how they are not from a conservative think-tank) and focuses on what was really happening with Obama, Clinton, Edwards, McCain, Guiliani, and Romney.


Edwards/Bill Clinton comes off worst for the Dems, Obama probably best, and Romney/Palin worst for the GOP, McCain best.


Read the whole thing in one day and highly reccommend it. Especially for those who were taken in by Edwards, or who still believe Palin has a shred of credibility. (not that they will believe anything given with any amount of objectivity)

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