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Obama: Socialist or anti-colonialist


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Yesterday Rush Limbaugh claimed [color:red]"Iman Obama gets paid by the Chinese Communist"[/color].


Does anybody believe any of this shit?


Rush's comments were really about getting back the crown that Glen Beck usurped from him.


These guys don't believe half the stuff they talk about. Its about rating folks. I'd say the same for a few of the talking heads on the left as well.

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Seems to me the left heads are reining it in. They should be pointing out more stupid than they are! And they don't have to lie to do it, that's the rub innit?


The left heads take great pains to back their stuff up with facts.


Rush & Beck...well, they just make shit up and that's OK with the world. Should be chargeable as defamation IMHO.

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I think the big 0 is an honest man .. tough to be honest in the era of Ron, Maggie, W .. & Sarah / the witch ..

.. the era of 30 second sound bites by dishonest politicians aimed at voters that do not / cannot read.


anyone who does not concede that colonialist (no matter their language) were thieving murdering CSers is either unable to read / unable to comprehend

.. or a special interest stooge.


me thinks the 0 man would provide reparations to slaves (indentured Irish?) & would pay previously awarded payments to the families of the indigenous & wronged


+ make righter what white-ies did to the dark-ies.

impossible to make right, but it could be made righter.

problem for the 0 man is that because most colonialism was endorsed by gawd (& queens) he must deal with the disciples / beneficiaries of the King James insane approval of thieving aggression.


did queen in "gawd & queen" refer to dapper li' Fers like toni & jack? to many Americans many Brits are a little queen like.


if you think colonialists were not thieving murdering AHs you are from a different place than I ( .. a point I most willingly concede)


I doubt very much Obama is for reparations. He's very much a 'self help' kinda guy. If you recall Jesse Jackson's disparaging comments about him during the election. It wasn't reported at all but when Obama was speaking to black churches he told the congregation its time to stop blaming the ubiquitious 'man' for their plight and and start doing the things necessary for success (staying in school, no teen pregnancy, etc.). He was cutting into Jesse's bread and butter.


Obama's problem is he's governed as a centrist. The right will label him a far left liberal no matter what he does. The far left is not happy with him because he's not been liberal enough.


Obama has kept a lot of Bush's appointments.


It doesn't matter what he tries, the vitriol on both sides is too much. If we elect a Republican it will be the same animosity. As it stands now NOTHING of any thing meaningful can get done. The parties neeed to get together, especially with the country's present state and they won't. Republicans sense weakness so they won't try and work with the Dems and the Dems are loathe to give up any power after 8 years of Bush with 6 of those years a Republican congress.


Its a mess and no one wants to clean it up.


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So, will we see any headlines tomorrow saying: "U.S. achieves biggest one-year deficit reduction in American history" or "Deficit lower now than when Obama took office."


Doubtful, but the truth. Mainstream media to suppress for sure -- page 10 maybe. TV, nothing.



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Deficit tops $1 trillion second year in a row




The United States racked up a [color:red]$1.29 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2010[/color], the federal government said Friday.


While that is historically high, it's [color:red]not as high as the $1.42 trillion registered for 2009[/color], which was the largest on record as a percentage of the economy since 1945. In real dollar terms, the 2009 gap was the largest ever...

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Yesterday Rush Limbaugh claimed [color:red]"Iman Obama gets paid by the Chinese Communist"[/color].


Does anybody believe any of this shit?


Rush's comments were really about getting back the crown that Glen Beck usurped from him.


These guys don't believe half the stuff they talk about. Its about rating folks. I'd say the same for a few of the talking heads on the left as well.




Tons of people believe this shit, that is why these dipshits have jobs. The RYs and YFs of the country will assure they stay in the media/on the air, and thus keep driving a wedge in the country, ans assure progress/solutions to problems are never achieved, and thus we stlip further down the shitter.

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The party bosses are all about maintaining their own power. Presently its the Republicans showing that with the advent of the Tea Party.

People should be voting their conscience and the person they want not who will win. I would have voted for Paul even if I knew he had no chance whatsoever.

The two main parties are beholden to the people who fund their campaigns and those people are not you and I. They are big oil, unions, financial firms, medical industry, AARP, etc.

I'm not particularly keen on the candidates that the Tea Party are supporting but the good from it is that by and large the candidates are free of the special interest ties that the establishment candidates are slaves to.


I used to be the most upset at the government and while I still am the old adage of 'you get the government you deserve' really is true. No matter whom the special interest support they don't do the voting.

You and I do. The real problem is sometimes either me, you, our friends, our families or neighbors for believing the BS.

"The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves if we are underlings.â€Â

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Go right to the source.




The video in the link talks mainly about Beck but starts out about women in combat. I believe in equality between the sexes.


However, if we are honest with ourselves, equality between the sexes has an asterik next to it. Its really equality in certain circumstances but maintaining our traditional ideas of womanhood in others.

The feminists have never fully supported women being put in the same dangerous positions as men in combat. Yes, they have advocated the odd female fighter pilot or two but I've never heard Gloria Steinem complain why women aren't on the front lines alongside men when we go to war.

No one does. No man wants to see his daughter, sister, friend or wife facing the enemy. I don't.


If we are truly equal we shouldn't have separate bathrooms. Technically it shouldn't be legal. If it was made legal for blacks to be given separate bathrooms then why is it legal for women to have separate bathrooms after the Equal Rights Amendment?

Shouldn't there be one bathroom? Shouldn't there be one jail, one army barracks, etc. for all? We have gays sharing all those things with their heterosexual counterparts.

Okay, it sounds crazy to suggest it but tell me why its legally tolerated? Our idea of womanhood and in some of the cases I've sited as well as the safety of women are reasons.

Obviously, its not a good idea for men and women to be in the same prisons. Or is it?


So, the fact is, if everyone accepts this, including the feminists then one can only conclude that men and women are NOT the same. We've concluded that a black man or woman is the same as a white man or woman and gays are the same as heterosexuals. But not women. The irony is that those that maintained that black water fountains and bathrooms, etc was okay under the doctrine of 'separate but equal' and its now seen as a bigoted and racist policy is presently

the policy when it comes to women. So, which policy was/is wrong? The one for blacks or the ones for women? Can it be argued that both are right?

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