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Pedo Book pulled from Amazon


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Didn't see it on here and maybe it was posted already.




...The author of "The Pedophile's Guide," listed as Philip R. Greaves II, argues that pedophiles are misunderstood, as the word literally means to love a child.


The author adds that it is only a crime to act on sexual impulses toward children, and offers advice that purportedly allows pedophiles to abide by the law.


Many users on Twitter called on Amazon to pull the book, and a few threatened to boycott the retailer until it does.


Child online safety advocacy group Enough is Enough says it isn't surprised that someone would publish such a book. It says selling the book lends the impression that child abuse is normal...


God, I hope he has never been to Thailand (or any where else like Cambo for that matter).


I'm a free speech advocate. There is a line though obviously. I assume he has not advocated anything illegal in the book. If so, and as much as I am repulsed by the subject matter as well as the isinuation he makes, some civl liberties lawyer could make a case. Expect the ACLU to be on this soon, is my guess.

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And all high school chemistry classes should make "The Anarchist's Cookbook" required reading, so that the students don't accidentally make an IED.


(But, I agree that parents should have an idea of what danger signs might signal such behavior...such as plying their daughters with shots of tequila, practicing bawkwan, asking them if they have a short time room, and allowing the gullible young girls to put their hands inside their trousers.) :content:




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I'm talking about how to spot a pedo...there was a book out 30 years back that told pedos where and how to score, what to look for, how to keep it quiet etc...parents should know this shit, so they know what to look for in the pedos and what to look for in their kids etc...

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Mary, mother of Jesus, has always been claimed she was 12 when she got pregnant.


If you look at some of the old records in the USA, you might be surprised how many women were getting married when they were 12 - 14 years old.


They didn't live long in those days, plus there is a reason why Bar Mitzvah's are at the age they are.


In the early days of this country and in similar countries in europe people got married in their teens. People had to grow up faster then I think and therefore thought more like adults than children out of necessity.

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