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US Dollar Climbing?


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From the Kim Eng strategist -

Baht to continue higher along with regional peers

Although there are some fund outflows due to the BOT monetary policy concerns and a poorer outlook for the Chinese economy, the baht fell back to Bt30/$. However, with the continuing trade surplus ($11.5bn trade surplus in 10M10), stronger Asian economic growth and the injection of FED funds under the QE II Policy, there should be a next round of foreign fund inflows into Asian bond and equity markets. As a result, we maintain our baht against the US dollar forecast of [color:red]Bt29.75 by year-end 2010[/color] and [color:red]Bt29.00 for 2011[/color].

Baht opened this AM at 30.02.


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I think 29 at the beginning of 2011 and 28 at the end of 2011.


They all keep yapping about the Chinese manipulating the currency. B.S. It's just that things are cheaper there.


Taxis, meals, sundries, bottles of water are sometimes half the price of even Thailand. Don't even try to compare it with US.


But I would say the Baht will stay strong and someday will be back to 25, where it was pre 97.

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The dollar will continue to sink as long as Obama and the Demoncrats print money like the Russians are across the river. Fuckers.


Idiot libs are still crying "GWB gave us this mess". 5555555555 Obama has tripled the deficit he inherited in less than 2 years. Wanker libs just don't get the big picture.



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The Russians ARE across the river the Yellow River. Putin was just in China signing a currency agreement to cut out the USD from their

trade. The Yuan and Rubble are trading against

each other now in Shanghi and Moscow. First time

I ever saw Putin with a shit eaten grin on his face.

Agree with you accessment of the libs. Them

commie scumbags.5555555555555

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The dollar will continue to sink as long as Obama and the Demoncrats print money like the Russians are across the river. Fuckers.


Idiot libs are still crying "GWB gave us this mess". 5555555555 Obama has tripled the deficit he inherited in less than 2 years. Wanker libs just don't get the big picture.




GWB started the war in Iraq which, along with the useless Afgan war, has cost Trillions. 54,000 troops are getting paid to sit and do nothing but take correspondence courses basket weaving, and train at the gym, in the Iraq. Obama lied and now will keep the troops in Afganistan 2 years longer, costing Trillions.


Along with 10% unemployed, which means 10% fewer taxes, there will be a deficit. The teabaggers want to make up the difference by cutting out health care, social security, school lunches for poor and fixing falling down bridges. But never the "defense" budget.


GWB was the worst president in history and Obama will be the second worst, but still has to years to be number 1. Libs have begun to hate Obama, too.

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According to Bernake today,the Fed. is not " printing money " in its latest QE.It is buying treasuries to keep interest rates low and help stimulate the economy .The money supply is not increasing and so inflation worries are overdone.... :dunno:

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