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Shrink: Obama Suffers 'Father Hunger'



The abandonment by his father when he was an infant and by his stepfather at age 10 has left President Obama with a "father hunger" that influences everything from why he distances himself from pushy supporters, to his strong desire to compromise and bring people together, to his aggressive campaign to kill Osama bin Laden, says a psychoanalytic book out next week.


In "Obama on the Couch", George Washington University professor Justin Frank also reveals that Obama has spent much of his life seeking out father figures, but most, like Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Vice President Biden, have disappointed him. "Obama searched for a father, for someone to relate to who could help him—a strong man who knew what to do," Frank writes.


This is Frank's second psychoanalytical book about a president. While a sympathetic look at Obama, it follows "Bush on the Couch", a sharply critical analysis that suggested then President George W. Bush was disturbed. In that book, he predicted that someone like Obama—"completely different," "someone not ... white"—would succeed Bush. What the nation ended up with, however, is "an almost tragic figure," Frank writes.


The general theme is that Obama has been affected both by being biracial and by the abandonment of his two dads during his childhood. The result is that he is overly protective of his own nuclear family, desires greatly to see national unity, and yet harbors anger that he took out on bin Laden.


Take for example Obama's earlier willingness to compromise with Republicans, upsetting his liberal base. Here Frank cites the negative influence of his parents, especially his mother, who often pressed him to do better in school. "He hates being pushed by supporters who want him to make good on his promises of universal healthcare and care for the poor, something that represents his mother and how she pushed him to study harder," Frank writes. And when he ignores his base, he is emulating his father, expressing annoyance but not worried they will desert him.


As for bin Laden, Frank writes that Obama's inner anger emerged: "He was able to pursue his action against bin Laden in part because bin Laden offered a displacement figure for Obama's rage toward his own parents."


Frank also calls Obama scared of the type of radical change he advocated in 2008. "He wants to be the father who makes change safe, the person he has waited for his entire life."





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I think anyone who runs for president can't fully be sane judging by the insanity of the current process. Even the candidates I like have to be a little crazy. That said, some of the Obama stuff coming out as the article above is getting near Bill Clinton territory where the fringe right were accusing him of killing off folks. It makes me seriously question the party when you have folks going on about stuff like that and playing pop psychologist in order to justify a person shouldn't be president. Next thing you know they'll be saying he wasn't born in the U.S. :grinyes:

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Chris Hedges discusses the Occupy Wall Street movement. The crowd is no longer young folks. I see a lot of 'middle America' looking types out there.



I went to one of the 'Ocuppy' locations today and verified that older citizens were intermingled with younger citizens. If this movement continues, it could end up being a very powerful political movement that could defeat the Republican and Democrat parties.

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If it does its an opportunity for the Dems. Too many Republicans are on record as being opposed to them. Cain has and if it grows it can come back to bite him if he gets the nomination (I doubt he will get it by the way). I don't know how Romney feels about it. Has he said anything? He plays it close to the vest. He's like that team that is winning and playing prevent defense.


Obama has been on record as backing them but its a bit hypocritical since he's very tied to Wall Street support.

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... Next thing you know they'll be saying he wasn't born in the U.S. :grinyes:


5555555555555555555 I agree that anybody who wants to be President has to be "nuts". First, 2 years of trying to get nominated by shaking hands, kissing babies, sleeping in different hotels almost every night, meetings and fund-raisers several times per week, trying to catch up on even the most basic stuff that you might be questioned about at any time, taking flack from some quarter over almost anything you might say. A candidate must be absolutely driven by ego, a feeling of a "calling" and/or selling his/her soul to the devil. On top of it all, you have some "shrink" trying to psychoanalyze you who has probably never even spent 30 minutes talking to you. 55555555555555 Then, if you are successful in getting the nomination and being elected, you spend the next two years in office without having a private life, followed by two more years campaigning all over again to get re-elected. :doah:


Steverino...I think your transformation into a neo-libtard has been completed. Above, you link a "party" to Franklin's book; you've (intentionally or unintentionally)over-reached only in a way that a libtard could do. :banghead: The book has nothing to do with "party". Didn't the same author do a number on GWB?



Long Live The Tea Party !!!

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