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Frum says, “My National Post column describes why the Tea Party has caused Republicans to lose elections that seemed well within their grasp.†If Romney loses the race, Frum believes the reason will be simple: “The Tea Party struck again.â€


My link


By now anybody should now that the GOP's move to the radikal right did damage Romney and the local candidates extremely.


During the nomination process Romney had to play to the hard right and all moderate local GOP candidates were erased. If he would have been able to paint himself as a moderate from the beginning he wouldn't have been forced to an endless stream of flip flops which is haunting him until today. IMHO if Romney hadn't muddled his position so much I would lead in all polls today.

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Is Thai360 effed up for everyone, or is it just picking on me? :(


Anyhoo ...



Military for Romney



It is no surprise Barack Obama’s campaign is running ads to highlight the support of former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell. After all, for the most part, the military overwhelmingly supports Mitt Romney.


In October, a Military Times poll of active and reserve troops showed Romney beating Obama by a ratio of 2-1. On October 17, Romney released a list of high-profile endorsements from well over 300 retired generals and flag officers. Although President Obama has the endorsement of Powell and a few others, like General Wesley Clark, he has not yet released a list comparable to the one issued by the Romney campaign.


“I’m proud to support Mitt Romney,†says retired Gen. Tommy Franks. “I’m also proud to live in a country where Colin Powell is free to endorse who he chooses, God bless him. But I look at this election through the eyes of my grandkids. On their behalf, who’s going to make sure they have the best equipped, best manned, best lead military in the world? It’s Romney.â€


General James Conway, former Marine Corps commandant, says that Romney “gets it†when it comes to national security.


“You can talk about tactical separations between Obama and Romney, but the real important difference is strategic,†he says. “It’s about basic philosophy. Romney believes in American strength and America leading, as it has always done. Obama believes that we want to be a part of things, but not in a leadership role.â€


Admiral Timothy Keating says he supports Romney because he is “pleased with Romney’s plans for the Department of Defense and for our economic security,†especially because those plans include “a strong navy and Marine Corps.â€


Keating was “flabbergasted†when, during the third debate, President Obama compared naval ships to “horses and bayonets.â€


Admiral Leighton Smith, another Romney supporter and the former commander in chief of U.S. Naval Forces Europe says, “The budget cuts that President Obama is talking about are all going to come out of the hide of the fighting men and women. They’ll be getting less training, going on longer deployments, and their equipment will see less maintenance.â€


“I sat with Governor Romney when he was at Virginia Military Institute recently and I can tell you, he is the real deal,†Smith adds. “He listened to us. He was attentive. And he knew what he was talking about.â€



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"General James Conway, former Marine Corps commandant, says that Romney “gets it†when it comes to national security.


“You can talk about tactical separations between Obama and Romney, but the real important difference is strategic,†he says. “It’s about basic philosophy. Romney believes in American strength and America leading, as it has always done. Obama believes that we want to be a part of things, but not in a leadership role.â€"



Oh hogwawh. Dig up some old miltary general. The retired military pundits are still part of the vast military industrilal complex. Retired General James Conway now is the chairman of the Board of massive Textron Corporation. What does Textron make? Military stuff.


The entire US mllitary will have to be cut back no matter who becomes president. The cost is just too high. The Republicans want ships built that the Navy does not want. The Republicans want airplanes built that the Air Force does not want. Why? Because these ships and airplanes are constructed in their districts. Talk about "socialism" !


The US Joint Chiefs of Staff agree with and concur with President Obama.


So are you really going to believe a retired US general who just happens to be the Chairman of the Board of some large defense contractor or do you believe the current Joint Chiefs of Staff ?

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Just received this email in my mailbox from a French magazine (of which I have never heard of):





Venez fêter avec Brain la réélection de l'islamiste Barack Obama

@ la Terrasse du Batofar

- Entrée libre -



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Has most of the military been anything other than majority Republican voting in the modern era? Heck, even the Blacks in the military vote higher for Repblicans than their counterpart civilians.


America spends more on its military than the next 10 countries...COMBINED!! With that fact in mind, how can cuts in spending on the military weaken our national defense? We only outspend the next 8 or 9 countries combined is weakening us?


We need to spen that money wiser. I'd love to see us quit spending on weaponry that is not necessary and overpriced and put some of that savings into benefits for the military families in the way of higher wages, better housing, benefits, etc. and the Veterans Administration. We need to start bringing troops home.

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Has most of the military been anything other than majority Republican voting in the modern era? Heck, even the Blacks in the military vote higher for Repblicans than their counterpart civilians.


America spends more on its military than the next 10 countries...COMBINED!! With that fact in mind, how can cuts in spending on the military weaken our national defense? We only outspend the next 8 or 9 countries combined is weakening us?


We need to spen that money wiser. I'd love to see us quit spending on weaponry that is not necessary and overpriced and put some of that savings into benefits for the military families in the way of higher wages, better housing, benefits, etc. and the Veterans Administration. We need to start bringing troops home.


I think Afghanistan will end within the next years, regardless who will win. But military spending won't go down. The military industrial complex is way too strong.

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