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I am ready to get back to work. Sat 3 weeks waiting for decent work. I move heavy equipment etc.

Took a machine to the port in Baltimore Md. The lot is filling up with stuff to go overseas. No boats at all in the bay or docks. Md has enacted a deal that you need to wear a face mask to go into any business. Really...

The spot market rates are in the toilets so to speak. Too many trucks and not enough work.

So how long we sit before our next load.

Who knows.

In a bright note, I got past the not enough info on the stimulus check. Fingers crossed.

My book keeper applied for us in payroll protection plan. Good luck with that we are not a big operation and not a publicly traded company..

Not asking for alot, as there are plenty of catches in the program.

Aka fine print...


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1 hour ago, passingthru69 said:

I am ready to get back to work. Sat 3 weeks waiting for decent work. I move heavy equipment etc.

Took a machine to the port in Baltimore Md. The lot is filling up with stuff to go overseas. No boats at all in the bay or docks. Md has enacted a deal that you need to wear a face mask to go into any business. Really...

The spot market rates are in the toilets so to speak. Too many trucks and not enough work.

So how long we sit before our next load.

Who knows.

In a bright note, I got past the not enough info on the stimulus check. Fingers crossed.

My book keeper applied for us in payroll protection plan. Good luck with that we are not a big operation and not a publicly traded company..

Not asking for alot, as there are plenty of catches in the program.

Aka fine print...


Too bad the Republicans are trying to fuck you so hard.  I'm a doctor and I've been head hunted to work in the US for ludicrous amounts of money over the last few weeks.  It has been tempting, and I would love to help, but I just couldn't live with myself working in such a fucked up country anymore. 

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Trump owes tens of millions of dollars to the Bank of China reportedly. If all this is true, not surprised at all. You can replace 'Bank of China' with Russians, Saudis, Hong Kong banks, any number of people and banks. The fault though lies in his voters who were willing to compromise every standard they hold for any other candidate to accommodate him. You vote for a person for president without demanding his tax return, which means you have no desire to vet the person you want responsible for the governing of the country. 



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Amazon will eventually win this. The masses needs for its products will 'trump' Trumps desire to use abuse the power of his office for a personal vendetta. I'm not even saying Amazon shouldn't pay more. Thousands of companies should pay more for all kinds of things. This act doesn't pass the sniff test and its borderline impeachable. 


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Too me it's not the Republicans that are messing up our system. You have Democrats that have also tried and won pushing other funding into their favorite things. There were things funded, aka the Kennedy Center. What does that have to due with this made up crisis that both parties were trying to fund for relief. The stimulus checks are Not free money. This will apply to our 2020 taxes.

Then giving 600 a week more over people's unemployment payments.

That is stupid. I say that due to the fact now some people get more this route than the actual job pay they had prior.

So why would they want to go back to work, when they get this amount for being unemployed.

Will it help some people, yes.. great. But remember people need to work and make money to have a place to live and food on their plates . This is anywhere in the world. Not hand outs from the government's..

Both parties need to quit trying to see who can piss the strongest and farthest.

The late senator Bryd was famous for those tricks when he was alive..Now Pelosi is trying to follow in his footsteps.

Let's just open things up and hopefully the small business owners can overcome this and keep plugging along 

Panadolsandwich, thanks for the job you do. It has to be a tough job no matter where you are in the world.



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Totally agree both sides are fucked up. I've been on here saying that. The Dems aren't in power now are they? They have the House and that's it. I don't have much faith in Biden either if he wins. The Dems are pushing for ideological things to be included in these bills (funding for climate change, etc). It can be argued that those may create jobs. I personally think both sides should leave out anything ideological and make the monies purely from a logical economic means basis but they aren't. Republicans are using the money to pay off to bail out their support and fund the industries that give them money. 

If we are going to make the argument the masses shouldn't get money directly, the same can be said of big companies who saddled their companies with debt to buy their own stock. What do we do then? I'm not expert on pandemic economics. 

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For me, the number one reason we will keep on this once slow but now fast decline is Citizens United case where the SC basically legalized bribes. Money is not speech, if it were, every person who took a bribe shouldn't be arrested. 

Another great quote from Alexis de Tocqueville is, “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” 

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Mitch McConnell pushed for the biggest bailout of his cronies ever. If he had that mindset for everyone, fine. McConnell is basically playing politics. Blue states have been hit the hardest. McConnell is obviously targeting NY, and other blue states. McConnell is one of the most heartless, evil legislators I've seen for some time. 

I'm not a huge fan of Andrew Cuomo, but if Trump gets re-election, I'm going to almost guarantee he will run for President in 2024 and get the nomination unless something happens between now and then. I can see this being his 'Guiliano 9/11' moment. 


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3 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

Totally agree both sides are fucked up. I've been on here saying that. The Dems aren't in power now are they? They have the House and that's it. I don't have much faith in Biden either if he wins. The Dems are pushing for ideological things to be included in these bills (funding for climate change, etc). It can be argued that those may create jobs. I personally think both sides should leave out anything ideological and make the monies purely from a logical economic means basis but they aren't. Republicans are using the money to pay off to bail out their support and fund the industries that give them money. 

If we are going to make the argument the masses shouldn't get money directly, the same can be said of big companies who saddled their companies with debt to buy their own stock. What do we do then? I'm not expert on pandemic economics. 

I agree as well.  Both sides are factions of what you could call big business (corporations) parties.  Unfortunately most people don't understand economics - there's a reason it's called a dismal science, fuck sake it's about as scientific as Trump university.  They think it's like sitting around the dining room table with a pen and paper and working out the household finances.  Smug in the knowledge they've successfully done that, they'll then go on to believe they are economic geniuses, propelled by the pundits who play on this misconception in the media. 

Whilst I don't think economics is a science - it's far too polluted with politics to ever make that claim (trickle down theory anyone?);  I do think it is not as enigmatic as it seems.  As contradictory as it seems, giving the unemployed more money will keep the economy afloat as these people will use it to pay for their rent, food, medical expenses etc.  In contrast just giving money to large corporations that will bank it and dish it out to shareholders seems like a great idea if you are the CEO of a large corporation. 

Mind, never let a good crisis go to waste. 

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