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Well, you aren't alone in knowing how flawed it is. Heck, even those who voted for it don't know cuz I doubt if ANY legislator read about 2400 pages in the bill. Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West, even noted "we'll know what's in it when it's in force" or words to that effect.


Now, to say that "...the Republicans hacked at it..." is just plain WRONG. At the time, Demoncraps controlled both houses of Congress and the White House. It is 99% Demoncrap. I don't know how much news you got regarding this travesty, but at home we were inundated. It was clear that the Demoncrap caucus working on the bill was meeting in closed door sessions and excluding Republican reps. I don't know if you saw the televised meeting between Senate/House leaders and Barry, but it was a friggin' disgrace the way Barry spoke about 90% of the time and refused to accept the objections and ideas put forth by the Republicans. What was particularly objectionable, was his flip comment that "elections have their consequences"--meaning "tough shit" if you don't like it. Well, a few months later, he found out the consequences of elections when the GOP took over the House. To Barry, I say "tough shit" and that's why he's basically been a lame duck since. (Thank God.) And hopefully, he'll be a one-termer if the fools who elected this "Prince" stay away from the voting booths.



The healthcare bill was hacked at, by both the Republicans and special interests (insurance companies and AMA, to name just 2). The reason that it took a year to pass the bill is because Obama kept asking the Republicans to get involved in creating the legislation and the Republicans hemmed and hawed and, after several months, opposed any health care legislation. Lets find the real price of health care. Assuming that the figure of 1.78 trillion is correct, that's almost 200 billion a year, over 10 years. If there are around 300 million U.S. citizens, each citizen would pay $660 per year for Obama care. Thats certainly a figure most people can understand, as opposed to 1.78 trillion. This figure can be lower substantially by raising taxes on tobacco, alcohol and maybe gas. I know there are a bunch of whiners who would just as soon stay with the broken health care system that we have now and I know we, as a nation, can not spend money as we have for the last 12 years. We need to prioritise our problems and find a consensus on how to solve them. If you are not part of that process, then you are part of the problem.

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HH, I distinctly remember the Republican PR machine in full force criticizing all kinds of things in the bill, about death panels and such (lies basically) and the medical industry fearing they won't be able to gouge us as much as they can helping by funding any attacks on it.

The Dems had the majority but the bill was changed. I can't say how much it was changed but it was and if my memory serves me right, fairly significantly.

The health bill was not the same bill that was proposed. It changed a lot before being voted in. I'm sure of that.

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Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech



US soldiers were asked to disarm during a speech by Leon Panetta, the American defence secretary, in a sign of grown concern over spates of seemingly random violence in Afghanistan.


Less than a week after a US staff sergeant allegedly massacred 16 civilians in Kandahar, American soldiers were banned from bringing guns into a talk by Mr Panetta at a base in Helmand province.


Around 200 troops who had gathered in a tent at Camp Leatherneck were told "something had come to light" and asked abruptly to file outside and lay down their automatic rifles and 9mm pistols.


"Somebody got itchy, that's all I've got to say. Somebody got itchy – we just adjust," said the sergeant who was told to clear the hall of weapons.


Major General Mark Gurganus later said he gave the order because Afghan troops attending the talk were unarmed and he wanted the policy to be consistent for all.


"You've got one of the most important people in the world in the room," he told the New York Times, insisting that the decision was unrelated to Sunday's killings. "This is not a big deal." :worship:


However, US troops often remain armed even when their Afghan colleagues have been asked to lay down their weapons and the incident is believed to be the first time they were stripped of guns during an address by their own secretary of defence.


The Ministry of Defence was unable to confirm reports that a small number of British troops had also been asked to put down their weapons.


Mr Panetta told the troops that the massacre of civilians and the resulting Afghan fury would not affect plans to keep US troops in the country until the end of 2014.


"We will be challenged by our enemies, we will be challenged by ourselves, we will be challenged by the hell of war itself," he said.


Actually, the Soldiers were Marines, but journalists don't know the difference. They were "guys with guns".

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Obama’s Top Campaign Bundlers Among State Dinner Guests



More than three dozen of President Obama’s top re-election campaign financiers are guests at tonight’s White House state dinner in honor of British Prime Minister David Cameron.


They include Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, media mogul Fred Eychaner, Pfizer executive Sally Susman, Stoneyfield Farms president and CEO Gary Hirschberg, and Microsoft executives Suzi Levine and John Frank. Several have each raised more than half a million dollars for 2012, according to estimates provided by Obama’s campaign.


All told, 41 of the 364 expected attendees are Obama campaign bundlers, or volunteer fundraisers who give the legal maximum and then gather checks from friends and colleagues who do the same.


The group attending the dinner tonight is responsible for at least $10.7 million of the roughly $250 million Obama and Democrats have amassed for the election cycle so far.


It’s not the first time Obama’s campaign donors have been spotted at a White House state dinner. In October, at least half a dozen attended the evening in honor of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak.




The best president money can buy ...

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Chris Rock Attacks Conservative Author Over Tea Party Question



The New York Times bestselling author of the explosive new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, Jason Mattera, had his crew’s camera snatched and hurled by comedian Chris Rock when he asked the star why he has called the Tea Party racist.


“I was stunned,†said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight. It’s unreal. And it perfectly illustrates why I decided to investigate and write Hollywood Hypocrites.â€


The confrontation, which took place around 2:00 a.m. on January 23, 2012, at Spike Lee’s Sundance Film Festival after party at Tao night club, ended with Chris Rock challenging the conservative author to a fight, says Mr. Mattera:


“Chris Rock shouted, ‘You want to throw down? Let’s throw down right now!’ Of course, he was standing safely behind two bodyguards when he said it.â€


The clash was ignited when Jason Mattera inquired about disparaging comments Chris Rock made about the Tea Party in an Esquire article in 2011:


"When I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism's almost over. Because this is the last — this is the act up before the sleep. They're going crazy. They're insane. You want to get rid of them — and the next thing you know, they're fucking knocked out. And that's what's going on in the country right now."


Jason Mattera says his confrontation with Chris Rock is just the opening salvo in a series of forthcoming ambush celebrity interviews with some of the big name stars he chronicles in Hollywood Hypocrites.


“Hollywood celebrities preach to us to vote for Barack Obama and his leftist policies, yet not even they live by the values Obama and the progressive left stand for,†said Mattera. “If conservatives and Republicans are going to win in 2012, we must muzzle Obama’s backers. And that starts with a full-scale investigation of the positions they take and the lives they actually lead.â€


Among the celebrity targets Jason Mattera’s investigates in his new book are:


- Alec Baldwin

- Matt Damon

- Leonardo DiCaprio

- Madonna

- Bruce Springsteen

- Whoopi Goldberg

- Bono

- Arianna Huffington

- Jon Bon Jovi

- Spike Lee


Andrew Breitbart endorsed Jason Mattera’s book, saying that it “unleashes a barrage of body blows to Hollywood’s holier-than-thou limousine liberals that may make them think twice next time they open their pretty mouths.â€


As for when he plans to release his next celebrity interview for Hollywood Hypocrites, Mr. Mattera says: “As President Ronald Reagan used to say, ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!’ The next video is likely to drop sometime next week.â€


LOS seems almost normal in comparison to the US these days. :hmmm:

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There 148 operable oil refineries in the USA.

Currently only 137 are in operation - the other 11 are idle.


In 2008 there were 150 refineries and 4 of them were idle.


The refineries that are in operation today are operating at

a lower capacity then they were in 2008.



It sounds like BIG oil companies manipulation!


My link

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