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Hi Paying Jobs With No Future


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A few surprised me. some didn't. Anyone could see travel agent going the way of the dinosaur. This a U.S. list so I wonder if it applies to most western countries as well? At least Porn Star isn't on there. hehehe




Judge, Fashion Designer, Insurance Underwriter, Travel Agent, Newspaper Reporter, Broadcast Announcer, Plant Manager, Chemist, Economist, CEO

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Newspaper reporters I can see going way down in numbers, but someone still has to do the reporting. Problem is nowadays so much comes from news services and news agencies. I used to do a lot of freelancing, had over 20 photo features in the Bangkok Post, wrote for magazines in Hong Kong, Japan and the US. Almost no market for that now, plus what little there is pays poorly. I was also the Bangkok stringer for a Japanese paper, limited to so much a month but paying rather well (the yen-baht rate was great). That job is gone today.



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Newspaper reporters I can see going way down in numbers, but someone still has to do the reporting. Problem is nowadays so much comes from news services and news agencies. I used to do a lot of freelancing, had over 20 photo features in the Bangkok Post, wrote for magazines in Hong Kong, Japan and the US. Almost no market for that now, plus what little there is pays poorly. I was also the Bangkok stringer for a Japanese paper, limited to so much a month but paying rather well (the yen-baht rate was great). That job is gone today.



I read that the advent of blogs, Twitter, etc. has reduced the 'need' for reporters. The 'traditional' news sources are slowly become conduits for the Drudges, blogs, etc. of the world to get the word out more. People are relying less and less on the nightly tv news. CNN, etc have news 24/7 so a lot of people don't see a need to tune into tv news.


As for newspaper reporting and by extension newspapers, how many people under 40 regularly buy a newspaper? Or even subscribe to the online version?

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I think consolidation is reducing the need for both print reporters and TV news reporters/presenters.


Many of the local newspapers in the greater LA area (and others, I'm sure) have the same owners and print the same shit, with the exception of VERY locally specific news and advertising. Fortunately, some old adages still hold true and the Long Beach Press Telegram's slogan remains, 'yesterday's news, tomorrow.' :rolleyes:


Local TV news stations increasingly are teamed with the networks. If you watch the early news on channel 9, it's mostly a preview of what you will see on CBS in the next hour. Which is fine (more Sharon Tay for me). :drool: :content:


Perv is correct in that travel agent employees never made a great living (though they used to get good perks), but I disagree with the article that online agencies are killing them. The airlines did that already with zero commissions, and now they're putting the squeeze on the online entities as well, and they won't be satisfied until all distribution is direct to the consumer.


Leisure travel agents now make commissions mostly from selling cruises and tours, buying decisions where some expertise and counseling is worthwhile as to destination and product. Leisure travel agent is still a career in other parts of the world, particularly Asia, but its days are numbered.


Wish I'd transitioned into corporate travel management when I worked on the mil/gov side, instead of going back to the airlines. Travel managers for Fortune 1000 companies make six figures and the forecast is +2% jobs, last I saw.


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I think that a lot of the people who were predicting the internet was going to revolutionize everything and make it better are growing a little more cynical and realistic. It's a two-edged sword.


Yes, there's much easier access to a wide variety of sources, but -- there's also a glut of crud you have to wade through to find material that's worthwhile.


The 'news' people read has become much more partisan and hateful. Whoever the next president is, you can believe there will be a dedicated group reporting against him/her and seeking to undermine, ridicule, etc.


And even for artists, I think in some ways it's been a bitter pill. Where are the great film-makers being born out of youtube? They're not. We see a million star wars parodies and cutesy pet clips. Sure people have access to a billion videos, but most suck.


Same with music, etc. It's a perpetual amateur hour in which you have to wade through a lot of extraneous nonsense to find the good.


Blah. And I don't want to side with corporate entities who care only about profit and not about substance, but how DO artists get compensated now? I haven't purchased music since 1999 but my music collection has grown 20-fold. I like Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, John Coltrane, Chemical Brothers, Overseer, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Maria Callas, etc. and have everything they've ever released (including rareties and bootlegs) on hard drives. And I appreciate that. But, I don't know how any but the top artists make money now, they have to become marketing/businessmen too.



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As for newspaper reporting and by extension newspapers, how many people under 40 regularly buy a newspaper? Or even subscribe to the online version?


Not just the under 40's, I cannot honestly remember the last time I walked into a newsagents and bought a newspaper, as for on-line news I refuse to use subscription sites when there are so many free sources available.

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I seldom buy a newspaper. The internet is faster and free. Still, I wonder why reporters are even on the list. Unless you were somebody well known and at the top, journalism never paid much more than a living. You weren't going to retire rich from it. With broadcasters it was pretty much the same - lots of proles and a few stars.



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