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Has the era of "old timers" passed now ?


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A few people passing away of late made me think about the old timers and the almost legendary status which some of them appeared to garner over the years.


Quotes such as checking into the Nana Hotel and never leaving, of having rooms on the top floor (perhaps) reserved for residents etc. Do they still exist and are there people now, starting out on the road to "status" ?


Or was this all from the era of Trink ? From a time before the internet and mobile phones and when, for most people, travelling abroad was a big deal and travelling to Asia was akin to going to cut your way through the Amazon with a penknife ?


My guess is that it needed a simpler era with a lower number of potential legends. Whilst some people may raise their profile above the parapet now and again or for a period of time, I am not sure we will ever see the like again of those pioneers from a now long lost time.

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Its weird - while I can think of so many places I would prefer to be during the day than this %*#%! job, the Nana lobby just isnt one of them. Perhaps my perspective will change in the next 3 years.

It is always a good thing to see things in the light of the day, and I guess, if many mongers actually did see what they took home in broad daylight they may give up the booze. Mind you, if it makes you happy and it is just for fun, enjoy.


I myself, have just gone to the Nana Plaza lobby just to read the Bangkok Post for free (after all, with the internet and the paper's writing style, it is not the type of newspaper I would be paying for) but, the reason I go there is to sometimes soak up the reality of what the sanook scene really is, and how grotty and aging things really are in those places.


I guess, if it is a place you constantly stay at you don't see the place for what it really is, the reality fades into good memories and of bygone days. The eternal question of staying in one place or to keep moving like a rolling stone :beer:

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I'd be interested to know how many have ended up in Brazil, Cambo, PI and the like.


I wouldn't go to Cambo at old age at moment.


Health care is terrible. If you have a serious condition, you'll need to fly to BKK, which means you need really good health insurance - and you are alone then, since your people almost probably stay behind in Cambo or live in Farangland).

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