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Thai Stupidity Tax on Farang


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Reading the 'bar tab' thread compelled me to start this. I dont dwell on too many of the negatives of my time in Thailand, but there was one incident that has stuck in my craw for the past 3 years - getting stung for a 7K tab at a bar where I was stupid enough to think I 'knew' the Mamasan. Suffice it to say that I really got to know her after I objected to the size of the bar tab - the volleys were all in Thai, but I didnt need an interpreter.


Its only on later reflection that I am able to come to grips with it (3 years of reflection - right ...). She was merely levying the Stupidity Tax on me, just as she had done before and (I have no doubt) has done many times since. Low season, they needed the money, I clearly had money, so why not ?


Of all the Thai women who have taken advantage of my good nature, I found this the toughest to accept : no-one likes to get blindsided among 'friends' (I know - they were my wallet's friends, but hey). The plus is that it taught me to start looking at those chits each time I bought a drink (or whatever), regardless of the scowls that sometimes come your way for daring to question their 'honesty'.


Thanks Mamasan - I can now move on with the rest of my f*cked up life :)

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A friend of mine and myself went to one of the 'cheap' bars at Nana for 'Happy Hour'. We bought into the 'Happy Hour' special. When it came to getting more beer on the "Happy Hour" special, we were told we had to 'buy into it again'. That was that and we decided to leave.


Would you believe it - the twats brought me a check for what we dranked and had already paid for? I told my friend "I think they are going to bring you a bill also for the drinks we dranked.' Sure enough, they produced that bill to him and demanded full payment.


We paid and never went back. I didn't feel bad when the bar went out of business.

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unfortunately Tilac are up to tricks to beat the low season blues.... buyer beware

Yes, they have attempted that trick on some of my friends in that bar, there are certain wait staff there who often stuff up the checks, IMO to often just to be an honest mistake.


As one poster said above, never be enbarassed to check your check butts each and every drink :beer:

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