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Apple tracking, well hang on a minute!


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As this is about technology, the post should go here, but it's a rant, so mods please feel free to move it.


There is already a thread on the information, that is held in a file on Apple's iDevices and that the info, could be held in an insecure manner in a back up situation, allowing potential evils to be visited on one.


Now the media, world wide are using their well cultivated ignorance to beat this up into a media story of "Big Brother" overtones.


Once again, Ignorance, Panic and general Fecklessness seem to be all the mass media can bring to bear on this topic.


There are very few rays of reason, piercing the overcast cloud, that is our mass media, stretching from horizon to horizon, overshadowing us with thick, grey, uniform, ignorance.


Let's state a few of the facts (not beliefs mind, facts).


1 the info seems to be hits on cell phone sites made by your iDevice.

2 as part of location based services, this is useful for apps on the iDevice to be able to relate services to where you are (like nearest bank or restaurant or cruising gay, etc)

3 this same info is already held by the cell phone carrier and can be used to triangulate your location. In NZ, police can get this with a warrant. No access to iDevice required.

4 the info doesn't appear to be particularly accurate geographically. But I suppose it depends on the abilities of the app that is used to interrogate the data.

5 most of these devices have GPS, far more accurate, if you're looking for a "Big Brother" ask this... "Who runs the GPS Satellites?"


Now given the 5 points above, here is the biggest question.


If "Big Brother" already has this data and uses it, why the F**k is everybody upset to find that the data and capabilities have made their way into iDevices for the benefit of the individual user?


Through ignorance and lack of cognitive thought, the mass media and F**k-Knuckles who comment on technology, are upset to find that existing capabilities, that so called "Big Brother", can already use, are now making the lives of individuals easier and allowing, by extension, more efficient use of our time and thereto more freedom


I just have to wonder where the hell, cognitive thought has gone.




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1) The police are required to get a search warrant. The cell phone carrier won't release this info to say, your employer or spouse. :o

2) Why does it store a years worth of data?

3) An app to point you to the nearest ATM does not require a history of your whereabouts.

4) GPS receivers are just that, receivers. They only receive data from the satellites.

5) Maybe the next iOS upgrade will use GPS.


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I can see both sides.


I dont like the idea that my phone is following me but I dont believe it is for a nefarious purpose.


I dont like that companies store this data, but I do like that I can almost instantly find an ATM or a restaurant with Wi-Fi.


I dont like it really knowing where I am... but I will thank god for it if I get hit by a bus or kidnapped in the back of a truck.


I think every parent would LOVE this on their children's phones.

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On my Nokia phone it has Ovimaps....I checked it out a few days ago with the " find my location " function - it showed my position to within a few meters-amazing,also images are quite high resolution - I could see individual shrubs in my garden,also good for checking out what the neighbours are up to :hubba: no topless beauties sunbathing unfortunately....

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Coss the difference is:


Authorities need a warrant for this information and are (theoretically) held accountable what they do with the knowledge by the law.


Apple (and others) can do whatever the fuck they want this data without telling anyone. And as Apple says in its user agreement they can share the data with whomever they want.



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