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Hp Single-Handedly Destroys Non-Ipad Tablet Market


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The real question is ... "Did the voters actually think Pheu Thai would keep its promises once elected?"


I see in today's Post that PT is fudging on the 300 baht nationwide minimum wage, saying meant it to be total pay equals 300 baht (whatever that means).


Did anyone watch the parliamentary debate yesterday? The poor clone looked totally lost and not especially happy about being in the hot seat. I felt a bit sorry for her, a political innocent thrown to the wolves by her selfish brother.

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"total pay equals 300 baht"


Including overtime? Many factory workers work the normal 8 hrs and then do another 3-4hrs of overtime each day. Nephew here works 12.5hrs/day, he gets about 30B/hr for the 8hrs of normal time I think (i.e. 240 Baht/day), and 40 Baht/hr for overtime. Ends up at slightly over 400 Baht/day.

So, if they mean total pay incl overtime it is mostly an empty promise (big surprise there :) )


"The poor clone looked totally lost and not especially happy about being in the hot seat."


Probably why she constantly refused to debate with Abhisit.



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Disagree at least partially. If you want to allow people to browse the web you NEED to include Flash. Not including that is just plain stupid and I am certain 100% due to Steve not liking Adobe. And that makes it the same as Sony selling TVs on which you cannot watch porn because they don't like it.


A USB port - to me - also seems like a given on a tablet. Fuck knows why Steve decided to not include it.




For the same reason that he decided the floppy drive was no longer necessary and, more recently, he even seemed intent on deleting optical drives from some Apple products : somehow we are all supposed to have blazingly fast internet connections available 24/7. Apple announced Steve's resignation as CEO today, and I think that will be both good and bad, but I wont miss his idiosyncratic decision-making style. No question that he saved Apple Computer, as it was then, from bankruptcy, but the other side of that is the megalomaniac personality that epitomised the Bill Gates of old, and people like Larry Ellison from Oracle. 'The future is what we make it' is great until you are messing around with an external DVD drive in a hotel room.

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For the same reason that he decided the floppy drive was no longer necessary and, more recently, he even seemed intent on deleting optical drives from some Apple products : somehow we are all supposed to have blazingly fast internet connections available 24/7. Apple announced Steve's resignation as CEO today, and I think that will be both good and bad, but I wont miss his idiosyncratic decision-making style. No question that he saved Apple Computer, as it was then, from bankruptcy, but the other side of that is the megalomaniac personality that epitomised the Bill Gates of old, and people like Larry Ellison from Oracle. 'The future is what we make it' is great until you are messing around with an external DVD drive in a hotel room.


Things like the iPod and the iPad have revolutionized whole markets around the world. This was almost probably 99% Steve Jobs doing. And he did this always against very strong negative views from industry insiders. In other companies Jobs' ideas would have died very early in the process and would have been replaced lawyer's opinons (see Sony, with its failed Minidisc, which was the best before the iPod, except that Sony's lawyers hade mad it almost unusable) or user surveys (see Google, were every blue line is decided after polling thousands of users), or other departments.

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