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New Irish Law Allows Moderate Drinking And Driving In County Kerry


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Where was this law when I spend several weeks each summer in Ireland? Tourists aren't mentioned but I assume that the law includes them. I was surprised at the comment that the law was passed by a vote of 5-3, with 12 counsel persons absent. When you only have 8 out of 20 members show up for a meeting, that doesn't speak well for the Irish political system.

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"These people that are being isolated at present, all the wisdom and all the wit and all the culture that they had, the music and the singing, that’s all being lost to the younger generation because these older people might as well be living in Japan and Jerusalem because the younger generation don’t see them at all anymore.


These characters are being isolated now at home, and a lot of them falling into depression. . . .


I know there’ll be opposition. I know that it will be people in urban areas who have access to different outlets than the pub, but in rural parishes, that’s all we have — we don’t have anything else. All they want to do [here] is talk to neighbours, talk to friends, play cards, talk about the match and the price of cattle, about such a lady going out with such a fella, and it’s harmless."




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“That element of Irish character — sociability — is slowly dying out. People are not doing that same social thing that they used to.â€


The same charge is being made in the US against Twitter and Facebook. No one talks face to face anymore. It is all on line. I see it here among the students. They may be sitting together, but they are all playing a game or chatting on the iPad or laptop.

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In The Glorious People's Revolutionary Republic wot I live in...


The helpful Swedish people sent a couple of containers of drink driving apprehension kit, like breathalyzers and such, complete with instructions on how to make laws, convict people and imprison them for drinking and driving.


The Lao Government purportedly, reasoned thus; The Lao people, apart from a few cities, are spread fairly evenly across the land. Nothing is more important than Family, there are family celebrations happening constantly across the country, these involve drinking, afterwards, traveling. To institute a drink driving prevention regime would undoubtedly save some lives, but also piss off a lot of the otherwise happy populace, who already hold the police in low regard...


So nothing happened


There are a few educational billboards though, a token effort...

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