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Special Team Set Up To Hunt Protest Leader Suthep


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BBoy you seem to have lost your relatives´ sense for smelling a good sarcasm which would be a real loss , maybe you work on that .



I respect you as a person and I respect your postings and opinions as much today as I did over the years.

Never a problem with that.


I only got very offended when you suggested I owe you money.

I explained that I was offended and upset for this and I gave you all chances to apologise, but you never did.

Now you did exactly the same to limbo, allthough you knew it was offensive to others.

That is not humor or sarcasm anymore, it is over the top, hence my reaction to that.

And I'd like to think I do have a very good flair for humor ánd sarcasm myself.



back in Belgium and jetlagged :(

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Jezus, guys. I turn my back for a few hours and I see lots of insults hurled towards Buffalo Bill. I have no problem if you disagree with him, but I am very disappointed to see so many personal insults to him. Totally uncalled for!


And Limbo, it is very easy to not see any of that stuff. I didn't see any of it in person either last time as I avoided the areas, would have been the same now except for the fact I have to go to work in one of them. There's a difference between not seeing them and not being aware of them.




Fair enough point, but how can B Bill than claim that this unrest smells bad if he even wasn't in the city...........?


Just for the record, I'm not pro nor anti government, however, as already stated a few times, I think the Shinawatra clan as overstayed their welcome in Thai politics but I also don't agree with Suthep and the way he wants to install a new non elected govnmt

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"but how can B Bill than claim that this unrest smells bad if he even wasn't in the city...........?"


Doesn't take rocket science to assume there is more to this anti-gov demonstration (or any such in Thailand).


And his claim did not warrant getting insulted over, regardless of whether it is true or not, or if one agrees with it or not.



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It's not the first time he came out with some 'shit stirring' comments about the current situation. without seeming to be very well informed and stuck to his guns, whether his views are right or wrong, he could've either phrased some statements better/different or inform himself better.


I don't like or take to either of the sides in conflict right now, but don't claim to be an expert on what's going on. However, I try to get myself informed as best as possible under the circumstances without (hopefully) making too broad uninformed statements, like some did or do here.

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I try to stay flexible, as what I "know" is from the rumor mill, the Thai news, friend of a friend type info, which I will

be the 1st to admit is not solid evidence.


I like the idea of ending corruption in Thailand, but I am realistic enough to know that it will take generations to do so.


I think that the majority of the Thai people can overlook the corruption as long as they benefit from it, which is human



To end the corruption will need to start with better education, which will take generations, if at all. Seems like govs like

the people dumbed down as they are easier to control, IMO...

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Thais constantly talk about the need for better education, but after decades of teaching in LOS, I question if they really mean it. Other than the name "public universities" (formerly government universities), I would consider most of the rachapats and private unis as barely even A level (UK style). Education has become a money-making business and the standards have gone to hell. From what I have seen myself, students can neertheless get a good education at the rachapats and private unis if they want to. If they don't, they can still graduate... but they are not going to find a job. At the primary and secondary level, students are crammed into classrooms like eggs in a crate. They are taught mainly by English teachers who cannot speak English, and now the government is adding Mandarin to the curriculum. Who is going to teach it?


Count me as a cynic when it comes to Thailand and education. Believe me, Thailand does have some serious scholars and motivated students. I've had many fantastic students and colleagues over the years. But for most folks, education is just something to be praised and ignored.


One of my favourite songs:


Mahalai ... mahalawk (Universities = big deception). The lyrics say that rural students flock to universities thinking to get an education, but when they graduate, they can't find work!



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The education in the USA is not much better in the primary schools. We read of high school graduates who attended (or maybe not so much) school for 12 years and cannot read! WTF.


IMO, the gov wants to be able to easily control the people. If the people are poorly educated, then they cannot make good decisions.

This is an old formula being used for decades.


As stupid as I often am, I am educated 10 X's better then the students being churned out today! I can read, write, do arithmetic, know the states/capitals in the USA, know the world map, etc.


To get a laugh we would often take a map of Thailand out on the street and ask Thais to show us where their home town is...they *** always *** start at the top of the map and traced their way down until they fine Nakhon Nowhere :dunno:

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