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Woman Actually Mauled By A Bear Says 'leo Got Off Extremely Lightly' In The Revenant


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Think Leo deserved his Oscar because of the sheer torture he went through for that scene in The Revenant? 64-year-old Allena Hansen doesn't buy it.


And she should know. In 2008, she was mauled by a real life bear while out walking her dogs on her ranch in California.


Hansen lost 14 teeth, her nose and her ears in the attack. She escaped by sticking her thumbnail into the bear's eye while her dogs scared it off with their barking. And that was a comparatively small bear.


After seeing The Revenant, Hansen scoffed at the action one reviewer described as too "unflinchingly brutal" for a female audience.


"As you can see from the pictures of me when I was taken to ER, Leo got off extremely lightly indeed," she said. If you happen to catch a glimpse of how her face looked after the attack, she's absolutely right.


"And while we're at it, bears that big don't drop dead from three stab wounds to the shoulder with a Bowie knife," Hansen added.


Hansen's injuries required 10 hours of surgery - and that was after she crawled to her car and drove six kilometres to the nearest fire station for help. Talk about a survivor.


The experienced horsewoman wasn't impressed with the actor's riding skills either, saying "I can assure you that Leo can't ride for s***" and that the breed of horse he rode off a cliff "are a lot smarter than that".


Well he might finally have a gold statuette but this lady's giving him zero stars.



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