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WTF Apple..?

Old Hippie

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Anyone see the entire Apple ad and all the negative Thai stereotypes..? If someone made a “advertisement” showcasing all the negative stereotypes about homos, you better believe Tim Cook (Apple CEO), who is himself a homo, would be all up in arms about it… Trying to find a link to the full ad…



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What you need to remember is "The Underdogs" is Apple's own little marketing tool and not to be taken too seriously.

Old mate complaining sounds like someone who has become an "expert" on all things LOS after a few trips.


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  • 5 weeks later...
8 hours ago, torrenova said:

Never had much time for homos telling others to understand or do what they want to do.

Much prefer a couple of naturally large breasted bisexual ladies and myself personally. 

Now that's my type of rationale :applause:

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On 9/17/2024 at 5:31 PM, torrenova said:

Never had much time for homos telling others to understand or do what they want to do.

Much prefer a couple of naturally large breasted bisexual ladies and myself personally. 

Ah homos…an annoying bunch at times. My flaming gay cousin and his husband are now in their early 80’s, and say they still can’t figure out “…what all the “pride” crap is..? What do we have to be so proud of..? Do we really need a flag flying at an embassy 1/2 way around the world simply because we blow each other..?” Exact quote.  I’m all for live and let live, but these people have really pushed themselves too far and now people are getting pissed…everyone has a line and when that line gets crossed and it always does, people react. Case in point, all the “trans people” or as we call them “Pronoun people,” pushing themselves so much, too much, too often and now they finally crossed the line with Women’s sports. Glad the IOC and NCAA and other governing bodies of sport have said no to “woke.” It is not “anti-trans” or “trans-phobic” to agree with barring “trans women” from playing women’s sports as Caitlyn Jenner agrees with me… BTW, small fact, many gay people “don’t get” trans either…they say “…respect I guess, but you are what you are, can’t change your physical gender only your appearance and how you present yourself…” There was also a very big controversy here in San Francisco this year, as the gays and Lesbians, the original LGB community (Now LGBTQO-A= Lesbian (ladies first right?), gay, Bi, trans queer Others and all, you are now partially woke in knowing this) got pissed at the “Trans” and Non-binary/Agender for hijacking the parade/event and “…making it all about them… That was big news here…a big tizz was had!

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  • 1 month later...

I see where you’re coming from. Ads can sometimes lean into stereotypes, and it’s definitely frustrating when it feels like they’re being used for shock value or to push a certain narrative. If this ad does play on negative stereotypes, it’s a problem, especially with how companies like Apple usually take a stand on inclusivity and diversity. If the roles were reversed, it’d probably stir up some strong reactions, which is why they need to be more mindful of how these messages come across.


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