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90% has AIDS???


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A couple of months ago I read an article about Bangkok's prostitution. It said that almost 90% of the prostitutes living in Bangkok is infected with HIV. 90%!!! That means that only 1 out of 10 is clean.


I didn't believe it then, and I still refuse to believe it.


Is there anybody who can confirm/deny this nonsense?


And if confirmed.....are bargirls included in that percentage?









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I think the origin of that number came from a Cosmopolitan article entitled "10 Ways To Keep Your Man Interested."




#7: Tell him that 90% of "those girls" in Thailand have AIDS.





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If I recall correctly, some group went into an area that carered mainly to Thai men, maybe the 100bht full service range or something, anyway, it was on the lower end. This was a number of years ago, before condoms were as well known. Anyway, the study proved 100% of the girls had aids!...o.k. the truth was, they tested one girl, and she had it. So yes, in that case, 100% of those tested, proved positive. Obviously, this was a skewed test to prove an agenda. Similar tests/results have been quoated.




Bottom line, unless they test all the sex workers, how do they know? o.k. 90% of those tested were positive? how many were actually tested? Where were they? Straight? gay? drug users? So many obsticles here it isn't even funny. To mis use another volitile statistic, 80+% of those in prison are minorities, does that mean 80+% of all minorities in the country are criminals? No, of course not. My guess is, the people doing this study, were doing it to prove an agenda. Most likely, it is an old, and poorly done test.

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I'd guess that if it was possible to see the infection rate among ALL sex workers in Thailand we'd see that the infection rate varies WIDELY based upon area, clientel and work environment...




In other words, certain groups may have a very small (in relative terms) infection rate and another group may have a very high rate... In the end, I would suspect that the **overall** rate would be much lower than 90%...











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Almost 10 years ago a Thai called Meechai Ruchuphan (he opened cabbage & condoms) started a campaign. His aim was and still is that every Thai is aware of the risk of HIV. He started by sending doctors to the bars who gave the girls free check ups. They also collected information and in the official report which included most bars & massage parlours in BKK and Pattaya it said the HIV rate in Pattaya was 3 times higher than in BKK. In some bars the HIV rate of the girls were up to 100 %. Overall if I recall this correctly BKK had less than 10 % and Pattaya was around 25 %. This was the most thorough survey of bars I have heard of, so I don't know what happened with the figures since then.


Maybe someone else remembers Meechai, he came to fame when he demonstrated the use of a condom in a TV ad.



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I think the girls that are good at there job as in take care of themselves and their customers and have a proffessional attitude towards safe sex are likely to be safer to sleep with than your average pick up farang girl at a nightclub on the diesease scale.What do you think?




90% is Bullshit.

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