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Got Something on My dick....


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>Might also include the statistics on penile cancer-in the U.S., it is one man out of 100,000.


hey, its their schlonger!



>Do you offhand know what percentage of males with penile cancer are smokers


Offhand, no. ... and sure you can handle a pubmed search as well as I can. As far as I recall, RR for warts is about 6, while smoking is about 3




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,



I'm not sure what to do:


I've still got a couple of warts visible.


I want them gone!


I asked the doctor I saw if I should stop having sex until the warts were gone, and he said 'just be sure to wear a condom'. I have followed this advice, but I wonder if it's proper advice. I don't want to pass this on to anyone. Any comment, anyone?


Does anyone know for sure if using Aldara WILL boost my immune system or has any other advantage over cutting them off? If so, that's a good reason to keep using it, otherwise it's a really slow process so if it doesn't boost my immune system I'd really rather just get them cut off.





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Well, as I understood it from the doctor, the way warts spread is by coming into contact with other skin. So, for example, if you have a wart and you're banging a girl and your wart is rubbing against some part of her as you're having your sordid way, this is how she can get warts from you. Skin contact. And, venereal warts are more contagious than regular ones in this regard.


Same thing with individuals- If you've got one, and it's rubbing against somewhere you didn't have one before, you could possibly get a new wart at the spot where the old one's been rubbing up against.


That's my understanding, but I'm not a doctor, and I'm not 100% sure I have correct understanding. But if I am correct, then logic would seem to indicate that cutting them off would reduce your chances of growing new ones.


So, when I read flyonzewall's assertion 'cutting them off might result in an even heavier growth.' I cannot understand the logic behind the statement. Can I have a clarification, please?


Thank You




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Hi everyone, what an interesting topic ive picked to post my first message.

I think you will find in nearly all cases the bodies immune system gets on top of the warts and they will dissapear.{you will be stuck with the virus though}

It sounds like you take all the necessary precautions like wearing a condom, so dont stress to much.

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Hi geofreo,

I wouldn't say I've got my balls into an uproar over this, I've really only got 2 things on my mind:


1. I don't like the possibility of passing this on to someone. Yes, I've worn condom 100% of the time since I got these warts, but the condom doesn't always cover all of them. And that makes me wonder (if I could be passing on warts).


2. I don't like the way it looks. If you found yourself in the sack with a lady who has genital warts, would you be happier or less happy? I figure the vice is versa.



To Quote geofreo: 'I think you will find in nearly all cases the bodies immune system gets on top of the warts and they will dissapear.{you will be stuck with the virus though}

It sounds like you take all the necessary precautions like wearing a condom, so dont stress to much.'


I accept this as the common wisdom. I'm not stressed, I'm just looking for the right solution for me, which involves gathering information. As to gathering information goes, we have the following:


Quote from flyonzewall:'cutting them off might result in an even heavier growth.

just accept it, there is no way to speed up the process'.


Again, in this thread, I sought advice about the quickest way to get rid of warts-


Quote from flyonzewall:'you can cut off your willy, but apart from that - no chance.'



Well, I ain't gonna be cutting off my willy. Who would? As far as a way to speed up the process of getting rid of warts, flyonzewall asserts that 'cutting them off might result in an even heavier growth'. I've asked him to clarify this, because it's the first and only time I ever heard that one, yet no clarification comes, to date. Either he knows what he's talking about or he doesn't.



Thanks geofreo, I now raise my Singha to you! Happy Holidays!











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The fastest way to get rid of visible warts is through use of electrocautery, cryocautery, or laser. If done correctly, treatment will feel like a blister on your hand that has just broken-after a few days, there shouldn't be any discomfort. Cutting warts off does not result in a heavier growth (assuming you don't use a machete)-that is an old wives tale.

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>>>So, when I read flyonzewall's assertion 'cutting them off might result in an even heavier growth.' I cannot understand the logic behind the statement. Can I have a clarification, please? <<<


personal experience.

the first time i got treated for my wart was by having it cut off in a good hospital here. a few months after i had lots growing all around the scar.

than i had them iced off, and treated with aldera. fine for more than a year. now i have two more small ones coming up.

logic? who cares.



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