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Drug abuse in BKK


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Been travelling in China the past 24 hours.


She is asleep at every opportunity. Fell asleep while we were on line at the airport.I leave her in the hotel room and she sleeps all day, waking up every couple of hours to eat. Always hungry, she eats anything so many times, we always have to stop at supermarkets to buy bags and bags of all kinds of food, juices, noodles. She gets up in the middle of the night to cook a bowl of instant noodles, eat fruit and drink and drink. She has stopped smoking cigarettes which is great. Yesterday she told me that she wishes I leave her in China so she doesn't have to be tempted by friends in BKK.


What she smoked in BKK was a very small pill stamped W Y

I think. The color was a deep pinkish, orange, purple color.


I looked at a book in Asia Books the day before we left in which they descibed this product. I think it was 30% caffein not 70%. According to this book, these drugs are made in Burma by the Wa group that is alligned with ruling government in Burma. They cost about USD0.05 per piece to make so the profit potential is enormous. My thinking is that if Thai-Burmese relashions improve the Burmese will crack down on the production of this shit. That is the only way to describe this stuff. Maybe poison would be a better description.


Thats all for now.

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>>>As for what else is in ya baa, well lets just say "lots of really bad shit!! ".<<<


i was actually asking recently the professionals what they have found in ya maa, and was very surprised when they said that they have found just ephedrin and coffein as the main base ingredients, none of the rumored opiates, etc.


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yeah, that is definately ya maa.

the pills inscribed with WY are made in the wa controlled areas, but in a bit different way than you have read, and the newsmedia generally reports here.

in wa state and burma are very tough laws against the use and trafficking of those pills. most labs are actually not far from the thai border, and are produced in cooparation of local wa authorities and the thai underworld and corrupt elements of the thai police and to a smaller extend army. generally it is only low and midlevel officers stationed along the borders who are involved.

also, there are labs all along the border, in areas held by all sorts of armies, like the DKBA etc. pills are coming into thailand also from mae sot and kanchanaburi, and it is nearly impossible to transport them inside burma down from the wa held areas due to the nearly non-existent infrstructure, insurgencies and roadblocks of all the different armies.

you have labs even in bangkok, and in many districts of thailand.

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Plainsdrifter : By your last two posts it sounds like she's coming around physically and even a little bit psycologicaly ! The first two steps any drug addict must make before real change will occur are : 1) Admit that they have a problem 2) Ask for help . And she has qualified on both counts so she is heading in the right direction , so hang in there because you are helping guide her in that direction ! Believe me because I'm speaking from many years of personal experience here . Also while I was in Bkk a couple of years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a BG he had been seeing who was addicted to heroin for over a year and asked me to talk to her . Without getting into a long detailed story I'll just say that I saw her recently (9 months later) and she hasn't used drugs for 6 months now . If people have the desire to quit and the support to do it then it works !

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PROGRESS REPORT.............


We both flew back from China this past monday afternoon.


As soon as we opened the door to the apartment she rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. Yes, she began smoking what she said was a little left over ganja. I think I blew a fuse and told her that she had to move out. she then agreed to go to Police Hospital then and there. On the way to the hospital she called her father and mother and told them to come and help her move her things out of the apartment.


We find out the drug abuse department closes at 4:30 so we would have to return the next day.


We visit the wat across the street from the hospital, to make her heart strong and(she says) to help me find another lady to take her place.


Back at the apartment the second act unfolds as she tearfully packs her clothes, stuffed animals and photos. Her mother comes in and she hands her a shopping bag of her things while she continues to pack a large suitcase.


One or both of us blinked and she didn't have to leave the apartment. Swearing that she will never touch ganja again.


Next day comes and we are told that the doctor in charge would not be on duty until thursday two days later. I am flying back to the US on wednesday morning.


I speak to her thursday afternoon, she says that she went and will fax me the appointment slip the hospital gave her for a checkup and x-ray examination on the 10th. Tells me they gave her two kinds of pills one to be taken once a day for her head and brain(her words) and another set of pills to be taken 3 times a day for the pain inside her body when she doesn't take ganja. Has anyone heard of this kind of medication? Any help here really appreciated. When she gets back on the 10th she says that she will attend a meeting were she will talk(some kind of a counseling program) three times a week.


Finally told me that she had to pay B1750 at the hospital and will have to pay B480 for three days worth of medication. Anyone know anything about this? I thought there was no charge at Police Hospital.


She seemed to be on edge when I spoke to her a few hours ago, claiming to know who my spy was that I use to keep an eye on her.Paranoia with a capital p.


I assured her that I believed her and was behind her with all she was dealing with.

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Plainsdrifter ; Things seem to be unfolding at a good pace . Just follow your instincts and everything will work out well mate . She's very lucky to have you by her side through this because without you she would surely falter and eventually fail . Addicts need lots of support and aftere she's been drug free for a couple of months she will need to join a twelve step group to help her maintain a consistent level of abstinence . The whole idea behind these programmes is addicts helping addicts because they are the only ones who truly understand each others pain . I believe that with your help your girlfriend will successfully quit using . But the real miracle will be in her continued abstinence from all drugs , alcohol included .

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what is it that she smokes?

you always talk about ganja, which would not be a problem at all.

ganja is marihuana, weed, gras. upcountry still used as a spice in some kinds of food. many people who go on a withdrawal from ya ma use ganja for some time as it helps considerably against the cravings, depressions and aggressions.

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Hi ! there !

sorry to lissen but she´s bullshit you again..

The drug its not call Ganja ! ...

Shes smoking "JABA" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

Its an small capsel orange-red - collor !!!!!! " Right ?.

Its Amfethamin thats she smoke !!!!!!!! think ! does she sleep little at night-times ?...

Anyway its dangerus for her and it is a serius crime that can lead to you as well !!


Dear-frind ! If you wants to know more about this you can mail me ok ? !

Tiracjaa@hotmail.com www.tiracjaa@hotmail.com

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