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Drug abuse in BKK


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Believe me the only way she will give up is if she wants to. You will not be able to make her, only she can make that decision. I have a bit of experience in this area, though not specifically in the area of 'speed", or Ya baa or Meth or whatever you want to call it. The addiction is probably more psycological than physically addictive like heroin. If you really care for her & are willing to take the risks attached to being with someone involved in the drug scene in LOS then you need to be with her, If this is impossible as you have to leave then it is back to her to do it on her own, & if she really is that weak that hse can't do this then maybe it is time to rethink things. Drug addiction is for life IMHO & many relapses can take place before someone stays clean for a long period, I myself would call it quits as you will find yourself giving mentally, financially 7 emotionally & may not get any satisfaction in the end in terms of a clean living GF.


It worries me that she called in ganga in the start as this seems to imply she was trying to make out it was a softer drug than it is, or maybe this was just a language thing, anyway good luck with it mate, I think if you stick with her you have a long road ahead, I don;t have much faith in rehab programs unless the person involved is seriously committed to give up & sick of using. As suggested have a read of Gors page on his drug experiences & his thoughts on rehab, he did not give up till he was ready , re hab was not an answer. Don't go thinking that finding a place to take her away for 2 weeks is the answer, you are kidding yourself if you think it is that easy.

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Well, I was pessimistic with this one and yet it's been licked. (So far it's more than a year on.) I'd read a load of information on the web that said it was practically impossible to quit and that even those that did tended to go back after a honeymoon period.


She had the responsibility of a young family to think about though, which may have helped in the end. Maybe it helps if they're given something to replace it. She indicated that giving up and taking care of her new family was something she knew she had to do.


It still went through the whole shabang - mini suicide dramas, slitting wrists, perching on the edge of open high windows threatening to jump, drinking bleach (uuu!) - so I was pleasantly surprised when she quit. (And I knew it was true - after you know addicts a while you can tell if they're still on it.)

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There is some good advice here.


It is probably Yaa Baa. If she has not been using it too long she can probably turn around and stop if she wants too. I had a girlfriend in the States who became a meth addict - very similar. I can offer this advice:


1) She must want to quit. Nobody can force her.

2) If she is to quit she must not ever again associate with people that she used the drug with. She must understand this. It would be very wise for her to relocate for awhile - go back home is she is from upcountry. If she stays in the context in which she is addicted, quitting will be very hard.

3) If you want to stay with her, give her as much emotional and whatever other kind of support she needs and you are capaple of. BUT,

4) make it very clear that if she uses again you will not be there for her. This is not so much to threaten her, but should be for your own good. A relationship with a drug addict will only get worse and worse. And believe me, if her addiction becomes full blown you will probably not be able to help her at all, and you will curse yourself later for anytime you wasted trying to save her and your relationship.


Good luck.


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"I tried both.

One died (drugs), the second one (a bg) still lingering over her domain.

Perhaps, I should turn to the organized charities"


Working in the bar is no addiction. The financial rewards can be huge. Are you sure the person wants to be "rescued"? This is probably not a poor, drug-addicted prostitute in the western sense...



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Both alcohol & illegal drugs are bad in that the effects of addiction are the same, the problem with illegal drugs is that they are illegal & therefore force one into an illegal lifestyle, causing further problems, & due to the illegal nature the price of supply is high & thus risk taking activity is the norm which results in problems.


I do not understand why any drugs are illegal as it this factor that causes so many issues & problems, if they were all trearted as a social problem there would be millions saved in incarceration , health care & "the drug war", I don't want this to get all political, but as someone who has been effected by this issue for more than half my life I long for the day that all governements stop sending addicts to jail & back on the streets as worse criminals & start treating this as a social problem with the only cure being acceptance, compassion & the nurturing of a more understanding society. :: :)

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