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Two condoms


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But I've heard through other sources that he's a bit quick to sink the 8 ball if you catch my meaning, hence there might be more to the story. =)


Once upon a time, my now ex-g/f insisted that I wear not one but TWO condoms. I said why? She basically said "I want you long time so I can feel good too!!!" :dunno:


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OK I am going to endulge in a major breach of confidence here as i promised not to repeat this storey but seeing as though the person i promised turned out to be a real rat, i guess this is as good a place as any to tell the world.




Once upon a time there is a a mining engineer (we will for arguments sake call him BOB) who a few years back took a job in Jakarta and moved up there with his wife. Now as with most expat couples bob's wife got a bit bored with the stay at home roll so she ran off with her gym instructor (female).


Well Bob lost the plot and started to plug everything in sight and after a few years still does. Now there are many many stories to tell about bob and some of them are quite bizarre but here is but one.




As Bob tries to plug on average 3 birds a day and even keeps an appointment book he has a fairly understandable fear of STDs. So bob carries around a small bag with him. Inside the bag is condoms and a plastic sheet. now what bob does is put on 1 condom to start and lays down on his back, then he lays the plastic sheet over his hips which has a hole cut in the middle. His dick goes through the hole and a smalle flange of plastic protrudes over condom #1. Then he puts on condom #2 over the plastic flange and condom #1 and gets the girl to ride on top.


on a trip to Africa he was so paranoid about aids that he just got the ....ahh i cant even describe what he did then. This guy is a real wierdo.

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