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My Penis is hungry

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Everything posted by My Penis is hungry

  1. Butter sweet, thank you for sharing, sad we all pass
  2. The internet archive you use has some good ones if you know where to look
  3. <<Now because some incompetent individual made an error when processing my license I have to do a regular eye test and am unable to renew my license every 3 or 5 years>> Repeating, that doesn't happen in Qld after you get a clear test following eye Lazer slicing
  4. In Qld you can change it pretty easy, just go in with a doctors letter or optometrist with your new eye chart tests, Reason being many people get LAZIC (speling) surgery so now don't need glasses and get their licence changed accordingly
  5. I watched a good movie last night, made in 2022, so was quite recent, Dam, can't remember a fucking thing about it now But it was good! Had titties!
  6. Why use Skysscanner? Why google is notarious trolling your data Skyscanner is far worse, and gets a $'s from pushing bookings, Google just does it to stay in control so the prices lead direct to the airlines own web sites,
  7. Renaissance Nipple Slip I love nipple slips Must have been hard to paint this without drawing attention to the model she was showing!
  8. I've always fond you in real life to be quite chill, relaxed, and calm, Makes a nice difference
  9. No one would ever call you a pleaseant chap hahahaha Though oddly in real life you are far more pleasant to sit with than at a distance Would love to go watch the Soi unfold as we have done in the past after a late lunch
  10. Oh I am loving getting old, I've turned into the arsehole in the bus who'd yell out, "Love the parrot on your head" to young punks I've even gotten, albeit a few years earlier than normal, a pension card!
  11. Heres the thing I first noticed when I came to THailand back in the 90's The Örange"juice they sold on the streets Mandarin Juice, as in very different tasting I sometimes wonder if Thais even know what an orange is, Curiously, further reading suggests the oranges have been bred from Mandarins,
  12. From the link you shared, < fruit. Treated as a distinct species of orange,> So is it or isn't it? Methinks it's not
  13. Waiting to be accused of plagerism,
  14. Seems to be a take off of this site, http://kimjongunlookingatthings.com/
  15. A young Catholic girl went to confession and said to the priest, "I'm pregnant." He asked, "How did this happen, my child?" She said, "I think it must have been the second coming." The priest, shocked by this reply, asked, "What makes you think this has anything to do with the Second Coming?" She replied, "Because I swallowed the first one!!"
  16. Just for the pedants, Amazing how a colon is placed in a sentance can make a huge difference Mekong ate his friend's sandwich Mekong ate his friend's colon
  17. Perhas, but in the spirit of Coss''s post, if it is him, the USA Electoral College has voted for the President contary to what the voters wanted, Remember just like in Thailand you don't get to vote for the PM, So now on your side, Coss, no one in Thailand voted for a person to be PM, they can only vote for the party they want in power unless your in the seat of the person and then it's just to get them to parliment
  18. That's a bit risky throwing u[ something to be downloaded? How do I know your Coss Whats the name of the hotel I used to stay at near your loved one's
  19. I'll back the Panthers just for fun
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