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Do you judge people by their earnings ?

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I think in a small way we all subliminaly judge others on their earnings since earnings is reflected in whichever social-ecconomic group that we each circulate within.


I would hazard a guess that not many Brits on this board are Chavs drawing the dole (Trailer Trash on Welfare to our American cousins) but conversley I doubt that we have many Warren Buffet or Bill Gates types as board members.


Its human nature that we tend to socialise with people of the same social-ecconomic background as ourselves.





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I think its human nature to make initial assumptions based on 1st impressions, appearance, dress, accent etc but after that if one has the chance to scratch beneath the surface a bit then one should be able to make judgements based on the persons personality etc.


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Mekong, I think your probably right about that. Even though I think there is probably quite a varied social mix on this board I agree that its doubtful it covers the very extremes of society such as chavs or billionaires.


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So, what about chav's who become billionaires?


I value intelligence, integrity, honesty and generosity/kindness (not financial, generosity of spirit) over money any day. I've mixed with the hoi polloi and the well heeled. Money doesn't mean shit if you're an asshole or ignorant and obnoxious!


I've been very kind and generous to friends before and been shit on. Indeed, a previous best friend of mine, who had little, but was highly educated, treated me worse than anyone I've met before (a classic expat tale, one I should write about one day). I also used to run with the elite in British society and found them to be the rude, ignorant and nasty people. Money meant nothing in both cases, the one common theme was personality and their fucked up thinking.

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Money doesn't mean shit if you're an asshole or ignorant and obnoxious!


I respectfully disagree with you. There is a particular individual who is all the above and has all of Thailand's and probably many other country's(sp?) attention at the moment. Might I add if he was as broke as I was, he would have nobody's interest so in this case...money means shit. I may have taken your quote out of context a bit and for that I apologize but I think it matters a great deal if one has money or not.


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If we are talking about "hi-so" affiliated people we cannot know if there is anybody from that class on the board since a real "hi so" would not advertise himself as such. Would be considered un-gentlemanly behaviour and contradict the core value of la bourgoise: elegant low key discretion.


Any one announcing his hi-so affiliations is just a vulgar social arrivist.


Anyway, the hi-so group is not my tribe so what do I know...

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