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We didn’t have to wait long for Israel’s latest outrage


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I hope that this thread will stay civil.


Anyway, this is a major fuck up for Israel. It's a PR disaster which will cement Israel's image as an apartheid regime which ignores basic human rights of the Palestinians.


Also it will drive Israel more and more into isolation with Europe speaking out against the country.


And it seems that the Israelis are more and more circling the wagons, enforcing the mentality that again they are standing alone and that the world is against them.

I guess that it can only get worse and that we'll have to expect more stupid and much more violent reactions by Israel in the near future.



And the special forces seems to be quite incompetent being unable to stop the ship without using lethal force. If they use this force against peace acitivists with journalists embedded you might wonder how they act in their struggle with the Palestines in- outside their borders...

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Yes the current Israeli government is largely at fault...so is the Hamas.


It is very hard for older people who have lived and most of the time fought through Israel history to get out of their mind the 'Israel threatened by everyone and everything' mentality....

They are not in 1948-1967-1973 anymore but they probably don't fully realize it.



ND: If you read correctly the original post then we both have a different opinion of what hatred is, Goebbels and Ilya Ehrenburg then had completely reasonable speeches too.


By the way, here is a nice piece from a

'Jewish propaganda newspaper'





Also watch the videos of the boarding -> peaceful pacifists? Yes most of them but not the ones who

'welcome' the naval commandos...

If these ones are peaceful pacifists so were the ones on board of the 9/11 planes.


-> if Robaus was writting stuff like that then it would be great...but by putting all the blame and every disaster in the world on Israel....plus supporting the Hamas is risible.


As I am the hater, brainwashed fox news addict, I am out of here.

Anyway trying to read the propaganda crap from a certain someone reminds me too much of the propaganda I heard every night in Rwanda from 'radio mille collines'...





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Rwanda friends?

The only African friends who survived left the country a long time ago...


If you are talking about Kagame and his supporters he is a dictator, wether a Tutsi like Kagame or a Hutu like Habyarimana a dictator remains a dictator even under the guise of 'Democracy'.


If not him then to whom are you referring to?


PS: I am grateful to Kagame and his troops as after the western nations extracted their citizens then pulled out of the country

-> his troops by their rapid advance managed to save a few dozens of moderate Hutus and Tutsis schoolmates who otherwise won't have make it.


Still he is a dictator in all but name and I have no love for dictators.



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You are a bit of an international man of mystery yourself, Flasher


What is your hidden agenda?


You are a Vietnam vet, yet never a word of criticism (just the opposite in fact) against Israel who:


Costs US taxpayers and your military $$$billions every year

Spy on your country.

Murder 34 and injure 170 of your fellow servicemen aboard USS Liberty without any Congressional inquiry

Get your country involved in 2 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but won’t send even medical staff to fight alongside US forces.

Has now become a serious threat to your fellow soldiers (U.S. Military's Central Commander General Petraeus: "America's relationship with Israel is important, but not as important as the lives of America's soldiers.")


A very strange set of allegiances there, Flash.



>>From an equally nonbiased source


.. for a usually intelligent commentator, Flash, the Jerusalem Post over the BBC is a strange choice indeed as an unbiased source. Not forgetting also that the only eye witness side of the story so far since the Israeli thugs shut down communication, is Israeli! No doubt Israel will keep the 600 peace activists under lock and key incommunicado for a few days until the Israeli terrorists and their handlers can agree on the same story.


>>. The activists, according to an IDF report, succeeded in stealing two handguns from soldiers and opened fire

… two handguns, and 19 dead. Your maths is a bit off. They must have been passing those pistols around pretty sharpish! Sign em up for the Harlem Globetrotters!


Doesn’t it strike you as odd that the IDF in its infinite intelligence did not anticipate a cleverer more peaceful way of thwarting this flotilla, as I suggested above.


I simply can’t believe that at one of the preliminary briefings some bright IDF chappie didn’t put his hand up and say “Sir, what if some of the 600 won’t do what we handful of armed to the teeth special forces soldiers tell them to do. And what if we wake them up and alert them to our approach with the sound of our helicopters?â€Â


Either this is:

the DUMBEST thing the Israeli Defence has ever done


or its most DELIBERATE.


The evidence points to the latter. It delays the peace process (Israel isn’t interested anyway) and will shelve any Obama initiative until AIPAC can discredit him enough.


Sadly, time is running out for Israel. As world awareness increases, and weapons become more sophisticated/dirtier, they can’t contain their occupation for ever.


Hope it’s not going to be too little too late for Israel and the world.




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