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Everything posted by Mekong

  1. After nearly one year in Vietnam I am now beginning to understand what the Nam say and the real meaning. OK, OK, OK When a Vietnamese persons says OK it means it is not OK a pretend comment to bullshit everything is OK No Problem No Problem is worse than OK, when they are lost "No Problem" is often heard, basically means "I Don't have a Clue" Why Why Why When a Nam asks WHY you know you have backed them not a corner, OK,OK,OK and No Problem have been used up and requests are questioned, such as I want .... , Why Why Why, Don't ask just give OK No Problem (Looking for Palm Face Icon) Mot Hai Ba One more beer Hoi, the most useful Vietnamese phrase one needs to now
  2. Former Northern Ireland first minister and leader of the Democratic Unionist Party Ian Paisley has died aged 88 http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-29176937
  3. Mekong

    Too Easy

    Also the fact that it is a left hand drive vehicle is a dead giveaway
  4. What about the English referendum, if Scotland votes NO do us English then have a vote on whether we want to be associated with the Haggis munching skirt wearers. I doubt it, England always bows down to the ethnic minorities without considering its own.
  5. They are not that advanced Pasathai said "Hole" (Singular)
  6. Coss I don't know about USA or Laos but when I renewed a Passport in Thailand about 7 years ago I had to have the Business Visa etc transferred to new passport and work permit reissued showing new passport number, I will soon face the same situation in Vietnam even though work permit and Temporary Residence Card are not shown in passport each document references the passport number. I am pretty sure that this applies to most countries, once you have a new travel document your old one is invalid, but for a fee (off course) visa's can be transferred to new travel document.
  7. Happy land shut down way back in 1977 but there is still Still Soi Happy Land Trade Center on the old site, one of the business that operates there now is Ki-Te Spa and Massage so maybe it is now an amusement park for adults http://www.thaimassagemodel.com/Ki-te%20Spa%20&%20Massage/modelplace-map.php?id=060
  8. Surely anyone who uses such a device is guilty of "Interference with operation of aircraft", the same law which applies to blocking the lavatory smoke detector with wet toilet paper.
  9. It came as a slight surprise that the Author of this piece is female.
  10. Thats not fair changing your post and now making me look a fool since you were posting out of Uranus Flashes Original Post Wrong Kazak National Anthem played http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-17491344
  11. 23 March 2012Last updated at 19:25 GMT The Clue is in the facts that a ) The Date is in Bold b ) You Posted at 10:32 GMT do you have a time machine?
  12. I was going to say that I am sure this had happened before and when I clicked your link I realised why, it is from 23 March 2012 nearly 2 1/2 years ago. News is also referred to as "Current Affairs" could you stay current Flash?
  13. Richard Attenborough aged 90 http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-11230065
  14. Cases of ALS 5,600 Per Annum (USA) Cases of Malaria 207,000,000 Per Annum (Global) Given that 5% of Global population live in US of A that 5,600 figure extrapolated would equate to 112,000 on a Global scale or 0.05% of Malaria cases, but since ALS is a first world problem it gets front page headlines. Like how pathetic it is, have a bucket of Ice Cold Water poured over oneself or donate $100, I would willingly donate $100 to Malaria Charities to stay dry at any given Songkran over the past 20 odd years. It is turning into a self centred celebratory love in, "Oh Sweetie Look at Me" makes me sick, "C" List (so called) Celebs getting their photo in the press having a bucket of water poured over their heads, increasing their public profile and profiting from it, due to increased downloads. It is all driven by online media which is a "Click Financed" business, every story they publish with a Video of (Insert Name Here) being an asshole they get $0.00001 per click, multiply that by the number of numpties around the world who would click and the media is making a profit. I think BUST summed it up perfectly when he said "Self Indulgent Wank" I could have not put it better myself. There are literally 100's of Thousands of people in the world, many BM's included, whom donate time and effort as well as fiscal support towards good causes without ever wanting or expecting fornification about themselves. SELF INDULGENT WANK Love it Bust have a +1 for that mate
  15. I am a prime example of a person who should have been tatted, inner city punk, ex motorcycle gang and rock bands a wrong side of the tracks wild child and so forth but it just never appealed to me. I could have been sucked in and complied with peer pressure but I refused, the same as addictions I have never shied away from the fact that I have a constant battle against alcoholism, it is better to be honest with oneself and address it head on rather than living in a sense of denial. Gambling, I have never placed a bet in my life, I don't have the first clue what to do in a betting shop or a casino, thank bhudda for that fact. Am I a boring old fart? Far from it, people who have known me for years will admit that I am party central but now I middle aged (i.e. in my 50's) and over 20 years in Thailand I tend to be mellow now in my advancing years, no need to ruffle feathers. I am not a 280LB farang at deaths door whom certain BM's pictured me as before meeting me haha.
  16. Is it just me? Am I turning into my grandfather? Personally I have never understood the fascination of multiple piercings and Tattoos. If I have a statement to make it will be on a printed T-shirt and not a permanent inking to my skin, body piercings were made over 30 years ago and have not been used this millennium. Don't get me wrong some tats work and look good, but just not my cup of tea, each to ones own I presume.
  17. Think about it Cav. Boiler Feed Water removes the heat from the furnace and in the process is turned into steam. Think of it like a kettle, if the element is not covered it trips out due to thermal overload, yet with water in it it keeps the element below overload point even though it is producing steam out of the spout, Second Law of Themodynamics also known as the Rankine Cycle. Three Mile Island was classed as a LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) but the coolant in question was the Primary Circuit Steam Cycle, go figure. I know it goes against rational thought but the water/steam cycle is the cooling of the furnace IMHO looking at the Photograph this was not a H.P. Boiler, it looks similar to a Cochran Wee Chieftain which run at about 10.3 Barg (150 psi) producing about 3,000 Kg/h (1,800 kWh) of saturated steam. To put things in perspective the pair that I am currently working on run at 172.37 Barg (2,500 psi) producing 1,000,000 Kg/h (600,000 kWh) of superheated steam. That is what I call High Pressure and in decent Volumes. As for Boiler inspections I am with you on this one, any Boiler or Pressure Vessel has to comply with ASME BPVC (Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) also known as ASME Section VIII Division I which covers everything from Materials of Construction through Fabrication Phase and the Design and MAINTENANCE of over pressure systems. And there lies the problem, maintenance or should I say lack off. There are also other International Standards in place, I won't call them guidelines but RULES such as NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazard Codes, IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical / Electronic / Programmable Related Electronic Safety Related Systems, IEC 61511 Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector. The Operator does not need to be well trained, a well Engineered and Maintained SIS (Safety Instrumented System) takes the operator out of the equation. Unfortunately Safety and Maintenance costs money which unscrupulous facility owners see as eating into their profit margin. As a CFSE (Certified Functional Safety Engineer) this this really ticks me off, one can spend 18 months to 2 years designing and engineering a system only for it to be totally ignored after 6 months of profits. There is no such thing as "An Industrial Accident" just a previously identified sequence of events that has been ignored. OK Rant over!
  18. GMV Good Morning Vietnam I know it was filmed in Phuket but take away the military content of the film and it is Vietnam 2014, this place is still behind the curve by at least 20 years
  19. 6.85 Million in VN no way 685K tops says the sad cunt in Vietnam
  20. Remember Guys you have until 11:30 AM (BST) to make final free transfers and tweak your squad. 14 teams so far so no a bad entry
  21. Robin Williams apparent suicide 63
  22. I thought you supported Arsenal make your mind up, in the unlikely occurrence of Celtic v Arsenal in Champions League which team would you support more? Typical Plastic fan.
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