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My Penis is hungry

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Everything posted by My Penis is hungry

  1. While looking for Westworld, I came across "Black Mirror" which sounds brilliant! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_National_Anthem_(Black_Mirror) The PM of the UK is blackmailed into having sex with a pig so a kidnapped princess can be released
  2. I've always found interesting Australia tends to make a big fuss, and so they should given percentage of population who served in WW2, however the Dutch, an equally small country suffered as much, and I don't see anywhere the fascination or folk lore in Dutch as I do with Aussies. I've written about this place many times, my Thai family love going here and find it amazing they learnt nothing in school about the place.
  3. Dam I was going to post some arty nudes, but it's humorous photos that are required? Bugger!
  4. I've given lectures at UTCC, it's distracting to say the least.
  5. Turns out it antipods, things like a garden snail except under water, and if you see the video the family did when they collected the buggers, nasty things. Oddly in 1978, same thing in same place happened to a bloke who is now working on Dolphin Research. The video, ergh
  6. All these years Bubi wondered why KS never drank the coke!
  7. LG was in town for a while a few weeks back, first time in a long time, sadly I missed him
  8. It is free mostly in LOS. You've lost me
  9. He was a complete dick, and that's an underestimate, but oddly, I read his site more than yours, it was so painful it was fascinating to read, what a turd! Was on here too for a while going on memory. I've never been a regular reader, I think living here locals tend to know a lot of the gossip etc, where as mates living overseas stay up waiting for it to be published. Mate here in Brissie was a regular Trink reader, now Stickman, and next week he will be devastated. He likes the intelligence behind both writers, yes, that's a nice complement. I did win a meal for spot the photo once, never claimed it, wahhhh
  10. Obviously a goldmine for Stick and Coss!
  11. Coss and Stick I see the Link up coming. D
  12. His wife left him. Wondering she will come back.
  13. But wait for his new webite! www.sheepformen.com It has a NZ theme
  14. <<Why isn’t more organic food produced in Thailand?>> One of the best Organic Farms, and it really is, they make their own natural fertilisers, pesticides etc, is in our village. Amazing place, that recently won a prize as one of the best in Thailand.
  15. Wow - this person was banned Can't remember why, dam!
  16. <<defensive driving>> So few people understand defensive driving, good on you, if you want to race, go to a race track,
  17. Two friends did it as recent as last week. The "Stat Dec" is still accepted as proof of income, even though it's only acknowledgement you signed a statement. Nothing needed to back it up. I've always wondered why more people don't do this, I suspect the answer is they take advise from people on ThaiVIsa who have no real experience.
  18. I remember doing my Thai practical test, the reverse park, I zipped it straight in, 2 guys came over and asked me how I did it so well, I thought fellow students, turn out they where driving instructors who had no idea the tricks to reverse parking
  19. Make her drive around town. In Thailand there is no "Learners" permit to drive, you just drive, crazy huh! The test to drive is around what is basically a go kart track. Reality is many people get their license before the really learn to drive, This is why Australia and many other places won't swap a Thai license for an Australian one. you have to sit a new driving test, (Note Thai tourists can drive in Australia, but up to 3 months only) (the practical isn't hard on a go-kart track) the written they should know.
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