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Am I engaged?


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The last time when I was in BKK I met a BG just a the end of my holidays. So I was with her one night only. I gave her my E-mail address and left the country.

She really wrote my a mail, when I was back in my country. Probably the usual BG stuff like "I miss you", "I love you" etc.

I asked her if she was serious with this "love you" stuff and she told me that she was just kidding.

But it seems that she showed my pic to her sister and parents. Her family doesn't like that she is living in BKK and they probably guess what she is working.

It seems now, that she calls me her BF and uses me as an excuse. Because her family asked her about her private life (BF) and wants her to be married.

Of course this is only what she told me.

So am I engaged now? We don't love each other and I would be very reluctant to engage with a BG (but I don't exclude it) so I am a little bit concerned that she calls me her BF.


So my question is: Is this a sort of putting pressure on me? Or does she just need an alibi to continue her work as a BG? (She told her sister that she was with me but in reality she was working as a gogo girl)


I plan to see her this summer (if she stays nice till then). Do you think it would be a problem if she wants that I meet her family?


Has anyone similar experiences (to be used as an alibi by a BG)?


Best regards

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Good luck buddy, it looks like you are already halfway hooked, now she will start reeling you in :grinyes:


This is a common ploy in many places, you might just be the bf of the month, or who knows for sure, maybe she has a plan to make you more than that, do not try to figure a woman out, you will go mad trying :banghead: :banghead:

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So I am a customer because I don't send money. Haha, but I think you are right, TTM.


Of course I have read the posts of Akhar, so I am somewhat warned, :)


And I really don't mind if I am BF of the month (or day).


Best regards

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Haha, actually my character is similar to Akhar's. But don't be afraid, I won't begin a thread like his. I am just too lazzy to write so much and regularly and I have other things to do.


I am silly enough to be able to fall in love in a BG and to give her an opportunity to change live but because I am a poor student, I don't think that a girl looking for money would stay a long time with me ;)


BTW I am from Switzerland another country with naiv men.


Best regards

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>It seems now, that she calls me her BF and uses me as an excuse. Because her family asked her about her private life (BF) and wants her to be married.

Of course this is only what she told me.


OK...on a serious side, I can tell you what I think is happening.


"I told my mother about you" is their way to say you are welcome to get involved deeper or your repeat business should go back to me when you are in LOS again.


No exclusivity however unless you get sucked in beyond recognition and not even then.


Of course, she had not told her mother. The line is used especially after she got taken by a customer for a week or so and did not reply to your messages or was not at her room when you called.

Then, it goes even stronger: "I went to my hometown to tell my mother about you".


Watch out. Try to break it before it's too late. I would even suggest - don't see her next time. If it develops into something - it will be her way.


She's a crusty one - the girl who's telling you this after one day spent with you is after only one thing and that's not you, it only comes from you.

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